View Full Version : Anticipatory anxiety causing colds

29-03-10, 20:43
Why do I get a cold EVERY SINGLE MORTAL TIME an event is approaching which I want to go to.

I cant look forward to anything.

I dont tell people Im going to events or concerts.

I'm really at my wits end now with it. Does anyone else get this? How do you overcome it? Please help.

I was planning on starting the gym today. I finally got around to getting a membership and I was fine untill last night. I told myself Im going to the gym tomorrow and then by about 9pm I started coming down with a cold. Today I feel AWFUL. Their not just little colds, full blown ones where I can hardly move and on a number of occasions they have prevented me from going to wherever I was going thus losing my money on the ticket.

This happens EVERY TIME I have tickets to go to a gig or anything. I can put my house on it that I will be ill with a cold the night before. If it was just once or twice I would say fair enough just my luck but this is EVERY time without fail.

How can I go on living like this. It takes away all teh enjoyment from everything.

I eat healthy, 5 fruit a day. I only drink water, 2 litres a day, I eat a balanced diet, I dont take drugs.

Then I have friends who take drugs, eat kebabs every night, drink copious ammounts of alcohol and their never ill. Makes me think whats the point in living healthy.

Sorry for the rant. :weep:

29-03-10, 21:03
Im with you on this one, I get this a lot too. No idea what causes it.

Maybe some subconscious thing to protect us? 0_o

03-04-10, 15:09
Thanks for the reply. Sucks doesn't it!

Anyone else get this and have any tips for trying to stop it from happening?

Onwards & Upwards
03-04-10, 15:15
Upping your vits and minerals!

We don't get enough of some from our diets even if our diets are healthy! Try supplementing vit C, super strength, you can't really take too much because vit C isn't a vitamin that your body stores, it flushes it out, that's why we need to make sure that we get plenty every day.

The only reason you keep getting colds is because of your immune system not working as good as it could be.