View Full Version : What to do...

29-03-10, 21:21
Hello everyone

I'm going back home for a few days over Easter to see my parents and old friends. Should be good. Only thing is, my folks have arranged a day visiting relatives, and I'm getting in a bit of a state about it. You see, I'm gay, but not out to any of my family. I'm quite straight acting though, so not sure if they're aware, despite never having a girlfriend...or any interest in having one!

However, I almost always get asked about my love life, and I always say that I'm single (even though I've got a boyfriend), cos if I lie, and say that I've got a girlfriend, then that'll just lead to more questions, and a higher state of awkwardness for me!! I'm 31 now, and quite frankly, don't have the guts to come out to the family just yet, but it's just always embarassing, being this age (and to my family's knowledge) always single and uncomfortable whenever I get asked about this.

If anyone's got any advice on how to deal with ther inevitable interrogation in to my love life then I'd love to hear it!

Thanks y'all!!


29-03-10, 21:35
Hello Jabba,
All I can say is that I have 3 sons and if any of them were gay then I'd hope they'd be able to tell me without worrying about it. We are who we are and your parents love you for who you are, not what you are. You've nothing to be ashamed of. I think it's a shame that you haven't felt able to tell them all these years. My advice would be to be totally honest with them and just tell them. You are still you!!! It would probably be a weight off your shoulder.
Myra x

29-03-10, 21:42
To be honest, you'd probably be surprised to find that you're "folks" have already guessed that you might be gay! My 20 year old son is gay and very straight acting but somehow we weren't surprised when he told us 3-4 years ago. He bought his partner to see us the other week and we all got on very well. Perhaps you could pluck up the courage and tell your mum/dad!!....... alternatively, talk to your mum...... thats what my son did......... and she can tell your dad if that makes it a bit easier!!

magic girl
29-03-10, 22:02
i agree with myra if my son turned out to be gay i would like to feel he could tell me and i would feel hurt if he felt he could'nt anyway people tend to be fairly laid back about these things nowdays so i think you should be out and proud:yesyes::yesyes: