View Full Version : Am I heading in the direction of anxiety?

Lion King
29-03-10, 22:01
Work overload, not enough staff, doing 3 peoples jobs, getting massively behind on paperwork, totally underpaid, feel tired all the time. I can feel the old symptoms coming back on, do I stay or do I go now?

mmmmm, a pondering lion!!!!:wacko:

30-03-10, 09:50
It sounds like you have far too much stress in your life. I think you need to do something about it before it takes a hold. Do you have relaxation methods that you use? Is there any possibility of taking some time off until you get yourself sorted out?
I see that you joined NMP the same month as I did. Have you been feeling better up until now?
I hope you can get this under control. Take Care.

30-03-10, 16:14

Omg....you sound like I did 5 months or so ago before I crashed!! Do something before you end up in the same boat as me. I too, was far too stressed at work due to staff shortages and ended up doing 3 peoples jobs at least and getting behind with all my own work. Is there anyone you can off-load to?? Dont do it...its not fair...no job is worth all of that.

I ended up out sick for 5 months and had time to reflect....wont be going down that road again. I now set myself limits and will not go behond them!! We are all only human (though at times it doesnt feel that way) and we have one life and we need to live it.

Speak to someone or jump ship!!! Thats my advice!!!

Take care

30-03-10, 16:21
Without a doubt it will definitely catch up with you. You are not superhuman. If there is a manager you can speak to about sorting out this ridiculous situation then I'd do it. You can't let your health suffer because of your workload. I've been there and you don't get a medal for it. Think about yourself for once.
Myra x

Lion King
30-03-10, 18:47
I got in last night and drank 5 cans of lager after a stessful day, i know its not the healthiest way of chilling out but it gave me time to reflect on what I need to make my life easier. So today I went in and delegated tasks that consumed all my time to my staff, I've stopped answering the phone to everybody that calls when I'm busy so that I don't get distracted and I have pinpointed what are the important aspects of my job that count towards looking good in the eyes of my managers.

The bad day has made me analyse what is going wrong and where I need to pick up and not think I am superhuman and think that I can run through walls, we all have limitations. Time for reflection is what is needed, I think before, when I got badly I could see no light at the end of the tunnel and whilst I never said I was suffering the worse I became.

Hopefully I am learning to react in the right way, I am still on citalopram and I don't intend on coming off them in the near future until I am sure I can cope without, I just don't know what that sureness is? (Is it a different job or do I need to keep adapting/changing myself to fit the job? Who knows?).

Take Care all