View Full Version : Not felt "relaxed" in ages

29-03-10, 23:01
This is kind of another one of those weird anxiety symptoms. I can't remember the last time I felt: Happy, content, relaxed, settled, chilled out. If it has it's been brief.

All year I've suffered insomnia, ocd, worsened panic attacks. Even a relaxing thing like a walk, shower, dvd can sometimes be a panic attack event for me meaning it's not too relaxed.

Sometimes I feel my heads always buzzing, my life is a marathon to get where I need to be. At the moment my head is sure I'll get a date, had a bad time but because I've been single so long I won't stop until I find it. My life is in constant fear of bad surroundings, ocd, my future!

I'm always searching for dates, attending job interviews ect..pressure, stresses. Some brought on myself feel at times I can't cope with things. I just feel lost, scared, so worried about the next day or what to do since I'm bored as I can't find a job.

It's like an impending doom, lowness and unrelaxed state. :wacko: I'm always thinking how will I cope with xx .. no matter what the subject is. My mind is pressured and I'm unable to ease the pressure on myself. Sometimes it's like a nightmare that will never end.

I wish I could get to a place where I could enjoy life again whatever I'm doing work, love or whatever it is. It's so hard to build things in life and anxiety pulls me down. :lac:Worryingly if my ideal situation came along tomorrow I do not feel I could cope..I have severe confidence blows in love and work. From anxiety and disappointment. I do not know how I can get over this.

30-03-10, 18:06
I hope you feel better soon, tbh it sounds like you've explained much of the common thoughts of depression and anxiety. By God does it feel awful? I know :)

You need to think of some of the things you enjoy, and which make you happy. So for example if you play an instrument, or like listening to music. Spend your time doing that.

It's totally normal to want things to be different, I've been in the same situation for so long, and you are very right in terms of anxiety just dragging you down.

I think in time our confidence gets affected too, as we start to feel unable to do the things we used to be able to do, which causes us to feel 'useless' or 'not worthy'

I guess in as many ways as possible, you need to try and make the most of your situation now, usually there is always something positive which can be found in life, in so many things.

Best of luck and I hope you feel better soon, I'm not a regular poster on this site, but saw your message and had to reply


30-03-10, 22:35

I totally understand what your talking about. My doctor asked me yesterday what I do to relax? I thought really hard and couldn't come up with anything.
I go from very tense to feeling weak I'm not sure what relaxed or happy feels like anymore.
I lovemy daughter to peices and I enjoy being with her but when she goes down for naps I 'm left with 'what now' a return to getting through the day rather than enjoying it.