View Full Version : hi everyone

beverley gango
30-03-10, 03:30
just a few words about GAD does it ever actually leave you or is this the life i have to live ,i also suffer with agaraphobia been housebound for 3 years now ,sick sick sick , its got to the point im afraid to answer my own door or talk to people on the phone ,im hoping someone else is going through the same as me as i could really talk to someone who knows exactly how i am feeling because the morjority of this cruel world just dont understand what we are going though and by that i mean everyone on this site ,there is an army of us who are desperately looking for a way out of this situation ,yeah its alright for docs to say its up to you at the end of the day, but they are not feeling and going through what we are ,i have lived with this curse for 20 years now im getting a bit tierd of it litterally its got me worn out ,please reply any one who is going through the same ,luv to you all ,brave brave people after all we must be strong to go thru this hell and still carry on regardless xxxxxxxxxxxxxx:bighug1:

30-03-10, 13:35
Hi Beverly, I do know how you feel. I was in the same positoon as you about a year ago. I dont know if I can totally call myself "cured" or not but life has gotten so much better. After 2 very traumatic events in my life on the same day, I pretty much shut down. Woke up with severe anxiety and went to bed with it. I did stop leaving the house myself because I became scared of everything. This went on for 2 years, I had just about every symptom of anxiety there was. I stopped eating because it felt like my anxiety was rolling in waves right on top of each other. Really long story short, you can get better. I read every book I could find on anxiety and panic. My husband was bringing them home from the library by the bag full. I stopped fighting. Once I got my heart and my head on the same page, I took baby steps to go outside, sometimes only making it downstairs. You can do this, it takes time, you didnt get this way overnight and you wont get better overnight. It has now been a year and I work full time, go out and enjoy time with my family, and I even went to a resturant which I hadnt done in 2 years. If theres anything I can do to help, please let me know. Take care and keep your chin up, there is a light at the end of the tunnel.:)