View Full Version : Do Doctors really know what to do???

Desprate Dan
30-03-10, 06:58
Hi Folks,

Been suffering from Anxiety/Depression for about one year now, probably a lot longer but put off going to the doctors for years until things became unbareable...
The thing is my doctor seem's to have ran out of idea's, which i must say doesnt fill me with confidence of ever making a full recovery, i feel calm and relaxed in his company sort of safe feeling as he reasures me, but then he will say something like "were do we go from here" or "what do you want me to do" eeerrrrrr i am not the doctor....:huh::shrug:

Is it his way of saying i have done all i can for you so dont keep bothering me, so why does he say come back in a couple of weeks time to see how things are going..

I am currently doing CBT but only have 3 more sessions left, which again is setting my anxiety off, like this is the end of the line feeling, and i am still not sorted.
Is it wrong to seek reasurance from your doctor if you have no one apart from the good people on NMP to talk things through with, its not as if i am there everyday, its more like once a fortnight or once every 3 weeks and that is because the doctor asked me to come back..

Even if the doctor doesnt know what to do, it helps me just to have a chat with him, but why do i feel so guilty??


30-03-10, 08:18
Hi Dan

Dont feel guilty...thats what your GP is there for. When I have times of anxiety/depression I find I make alot of appointments as my Gp does really re-assure me.

Perhaps you could ask if you could be reffered to someone else who could help you further if you feel CBT has not helped, sometimes the GP waits until you actually ask to be refferred etc.

Hope that helps.

Good luck

30-03-10, 09:58
Hello Dan,
I too feel that my doctor doesn't really have any more to offer me in the way of recovery and yet still tells me to come back every 3/4 weeks just to "check in". Talking to her makes me feel better too and if they are asking us to come back and it helps us then why not?
I find talking does help. I quite often ring the "No Panic" helpline where volunteers are happy to talk to you any time between 10 am. and 10 pm. every day. Have you tried this at all? They also do one to one mentoring and telephone recovery courses. Just an idea.

30-03-10, 10:15
everybody takes their own time to recover.

and there always will be setbacks.

CBT on its own maybe not enough for you, but keep working - keep reading and it will fade soon by itself.

I think i have tried evertyhing now, elctropuncturing behind ears even and accupuncture...

Anything that your doctor agree might help....

05-04-10, 07:59
I can so relate to this topic, it took 15 yrs to finally get a dx from a very switched on Dr, who had trained with The Pfeiffer Research Institute who fix mental probs by rebalancing ones biochemistry using custom made vitamins and minerals. Research, pyroluria and histadellia, they cause anxiety and a host of other symptoms.lol

05-04-10, 08:48
Yep I can relate to......my quack charges $75 to tell me all about his overseas trips and seminars,then sends me on my way with another script of Lexotan.

05-04-10, 10:39
Don't feel guilty mate, the doctor is there to help. Are you on any medication?? Perhaps when he says "Where would you like things to go from here?" he is giving you the chance to mention medication, or any other treatment which you might find helpfull??

Just my two cents

06-04-10, 11:30
I know the feeling !!! My doctor hits me with the same thing ,, what do you want me to do ?? Ive tried everything !! I did feel giulty as if i was annoying him all the time , not any more ! these people get paid plenty to do there job , so dont feel your an inconvenience to them ,,,,,,Last time i went in i gave him my list of what i want to do and what i want !! poor guy ! lol ,,, Didnt want to make him anxious ,,, lol,,,

07-04-10, 00:17
Medical research is 30 to 50 yrs ahead of the practise of medicine. One of the conditions that I was diagnosed with was discovered in 1958 and even now mosr Docs have never heard of it!!