View Full Version : advice about the mini pill please

30-03-10, 10:31
Hiya, in going to see my gp today to get a sicknote and im wanting to ask him about going on the mini pill,i used to be on the combined pill but had to come off it for medical reasons and can never go back on it.I hav been told though i be able to go on the mini pill,is anyone on this?what do you think of it?Please can u send me your advice as im gong to the doctors this afternoon.

31-03-10, 14:16
Hi Pink

I will move this post to general anxiety. You may get more replies there.


31-03-10, 22:00
Hi Pink

I was on the mini pill and you have to be a bit more careful on certain ones. If you are more than 3 hours late taking it, you have to use extra contraception for the next few days. That was Micronor.

Now though, I think there is a mini pill which has a 12 hour 'window' so not as bad!

I was fine on mine, I didn't have any periods for 4 years (but that's no bad thing!) and I had no side effects although everyone is different so see how you get on :)

31-03-10, 22:24
hi you've probably already been too the docs I did take a long time ago I just wanted to agree with what Lilth said about being very carefull to take it on time I was late taking mine once and got pregnant so just make sure you take it the same time every day.

05-04-10, 10:27
Thank u for the advice guys,i have got the pills but still not took them,i cant go on the combined pill again because i have had dvt,so my doctor at the hospital has said mini pill i can,my gp knows this.Anyway i got home read the instructions and theirs a big page about dvt!So im going to ring my doctor at the hospital to double check,because theirs no way im going to take them even if slight risk of another clot!