View Full Version : Anxiety is back, don't know what to try

30-03-10, 11:28
My anxiety is always there but I've been able to cope much better with it. Recently though it's hit full force again and I'm getting to the stage where I don't want to go out, am in tears really easily, feel sick all the time, am exhausted as I'm not sleeping properly despite being really tired etc.

I don't want to go back to the Dr's though as I feel I've tried everything they can help with. I've had about 6 different anti depressants (mirtazapine, fluoextine, seroxat, citalopram, venlafaxine etc) and none have helped even slightly, they've all made me feel worse. Also had 18 months of counselling which didn't help, CBT which didn't help (from my first session she wanted me to go out every single day for at least an hour, if it was that easy I wouldn't have been seeing her, she couldn't understand why I couldn't just do this).

I've tried beta blockers, B complex etc and nothing helps. Just don't know what to do now, don't think there is anything left to try but I can't carry on like this. Even my Mum said she'd been worried about me lately as I've have been so stressed out and snappy lately. Just don't know what to do next :weep:

30-03-10, 11:48
hi cat80,
firstly well done you for coping with your anxiety better.have you treated yourself for this?as you probably know all the symptoms you are experiencing are from an overload of adrellian in your body,of course these feelings will make you tired but you are finding it hard to relax cos of the adrenallin..i wonder if you have tried relaxation exercises?i find if i lay on my bed and try really hard to make myself concentrate on one part of my body and make it totally relax then my mind is busy thinking of trying to make me relax,then i breathe in through my nose as slow as i can counting to 7 ,while pushing my tummy out,then i breathe out slowly to 11, i repeat this till i start to feel calmer..also there is a good website called counselling and training centre in bolton which you might find helpful..

30-03-10, 11:50
Hi Cat80

Have you tried keeping a diary while you try to find out what works for you?

If you can't go out for an hour, try for ten minutes. Small steps, as the Americans say.

30-03-10, 12:12
Try to see this a just a setback, and do all the things you did before to get over it. It may not last as long this time, try not to despair you will get through it as you did before.

30-03-10, 12:32
I agree, 1 hour is too long to begin with..I am amazed someone suggested that long to you. As suggested 10 minutes...but even 3 minutes at first is good. Just a walk down the street and back is something. Extend it a minute each day or even each couple of days if possible. What does it matter if it takes months and months? Months and months is better than nothing.

When you try a lot of things and they fail, it can make a person give up hope...but please don't as there is so many more ways of dealing with things.

I had a friend who was near break down and homeopathy worked for her. In fact I was amazed and she was very skeptical, so I am sure it was not placebo. I was so impressed, I am currently trying this for my own panic re the palps. I have to say I cant belive it will sort those out, but I'll give anything a go.

Have you tried herbal treatments? Hypnotherpay or any alternative ways of going at this?

30-03-10, 12:49
Try to see this a just a setback, and do all the things you did before to get over it. It may not last as long this time, try not to despair you will get through it as you did before.
Excellent advice Primula.......... I'm feeling really bad at the moment and had completely forgotten this basic commandment!! I've been there loads of times before and I always get over with it. I'll feel better later on in the day. Keep busy with lots of exercise.
Why do I forget these basics when I'm down??!!
What a great forum:hugs:

30-03-10, 13:09
Hiya Typher, can you let me know what herbal treatments you are trying please? I've tried 5htp, Inositol, B complex etc and none have worked, I'm up for anything to avoid the dreaded SSRIs.

Thanks so much for everyone replies and tips, I will definately try them all.

30-03-10, 13:37
Mine is back too and I am scared it will be as bad as the last time. BUT maybe now since I know what it is (mostly) it will pass quicker. I think excersise is soooo helpful every day or most days. I am on a loq dose 25 mg of Zoloft I think it helps me think it is working as my Drs say it is too small to do much.

30-03-10, 14:15
Hiya Shanlynn1012, sorry to hear yours is back too. I try to exercise daily but at the moment my energy levels are so low through lack of sleep and constantly worrying that just a minute on the exercise bike leaves me breathless, dizzy and muscles hurting which is ridiculous

30-03-10, 14:17
I know my kids have been home sick or I have been sick and i just have not had the time. I think that is part of why I am having such a hard time. Right now I am having this burning skin sensation, went to all my Drs and found nothing find it hard to beleive it is anxiety been a rough month or so then my derealization came back. Really stinks. I hope u feel better.
Have u tried Zoloft it is pretty mild, as I am very sensitive to meds.

30-03-10, 16:36
No I haven't tried Zoloft (unless it's known as another name here in the UK). I'll have a read up about it.

magic girl
30-03-10, 19:54
try to find a local support group as i found them really helpful as fellow sufferers know exactly how you feel and it is good to be in the company of others and they wont bat an eyelid if you feel strange or walk off mid sentance because you think you will pass out:):)

05-04-10, 15:29
Hiya Typher, can you let me know what herbal treatments you are trying please? I've tried 5htp, Inositol, B complex etc and none have worked, I'm up for anything to avoid the dreaded SSRIs.

Thanks so much for everyone replies and tips, I will definately try them all.

Cat Hi, sorry I just saw this. I dont know what my homeopath gives me...I just take it. I have to say it has really helped. My friend was very depressed and anxious and she would swear by homeopathy and she is amazingly well now

05-04-10, 16:13
Cat Hi, sorry I just saw this. I dont know what my homeopath gives me...I just take it. I have to say it has really helped. My friend was very depressed and anxious and she would swear by homeopathy and she is amazingly well now

Thanks for the reply, if you ever found would love to know. Just so scared to go back on meds again and willing to try anything. Just so much out there I wouldn't know what to try. Is homeopathy expensive?