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30-03-10, 11:32
A few weeks ago the tension in my shoulders and neck started up again.This is usually the first place my anxiety shows up and some lightheadedness due to the tension. At the same time my sinus's had become a bit painful.
I checked through my diaries last night over a period of 10 years since my health anxiety began..I was surprised to read that on every occassion that i'd had shoulder tension, I also had sinus problems as well.. How can these two be connected ?

30-03-10, 13:32
I do think somehow they relate maybe threw nerves getting aggravated. Before I knew I had anxiety I had one sided sinus pain, went crazy tests, nerve meds etc etc. In hindsight I think it was anxiety I still get it and it lasted a long time but everything else was ruled out.

30-03-10, 15:59
I don't know the answer, but I get that too. My mum and I and other friends I've spoken too all agree that it does relate. I got tense shoulders and sinus pain the whole week before my wedding, but it miraculously disappeared on the day!

30-03-10, 16:52
take a look at this:


30-03-10, 19:47
OMG, I'm getting that right at the moment! A sore tense shoulder & neck & really bad sinus/right sided head pain...it's driving me nuts & worrying me alot so glad to know I'm not alone :/

30-03-10, 21:04
take a look at this:


Thanks for that link.. Its my trapezius muscle that was affected over 20 years ago and I was told then that I would have occassional problems with it over the years . Very interesting read.

12-04-10, 10:22
Just wondering if anyone with sinus/nasal congestion can relate to this.

Now and then, and mostly when I put my head on pillow I feel a sudden rush to my head ( like a finger is being pressed hard against an area of my head), and then I get an awful whoozy, dizzy feeling for a few seconds. Changing posture usually stops it. It tends to happen side of head or on top and I feel a tightening kind of feeling top of nose... Is this sinus/nasal congestion ?

12-04-10, 17:28
I can't say for sure, but if it seems to go away when you change position, it may just be nerve compression from tight muscles or even related to your neck. It wouldn't hurt to get a massage or see an osteopath about your neck bones.