View Full Version : Do you think panic disorder is a disability?

15-01-06, 22:08
Hi everyone,

I am wondering whether to attempt to apply for disability living allowance for my 'psychological problems' which I think have a significant disabling effect on my life.

I am interested to know what other opinions are on this topic and to know whether people have successfully been awarded DLA for panic disorder, agoraphobia and depression.

Thanks for reading

existential crisis
15-01-06, 22:12
I know someone who does claim incapacity benefit for depression but my personal opinion is that although disabling, it shouldnt be labelled a disability. As hard as it being an anxiety sufferer I feel very lucky that I have no physical/mental disability which actually holds me back from being the person I want to be or doing the things I want to do. I was a prisoner of thought processes - nothing else and that cannot be compared to someone who has decreased mobililty or learning difficulties - just a couple of random examples there! Clare. xxx

*I think, therefore I am.*

15-01-06, 22:26

i'm sorry to hear that you are having such a bad time
with this, but i don't really think you can get any disablity
with this. my brother is in a wheel chair and has been trying
to get it for 5 years and no luck. but this don't mean that you
can't try.

heidi (judi)

16-01-06, 00:17
Hello Clare and Judi

Thankyou for your interesting replies, I hope that my post has not offended anyone in any way, as it was certainly not intended to.


Sue K with 5
16-01-06, 00:53

Yes you can I receive DLA for the Agoraphobia ! I applied over a year ago and receoved the lower rate premium!

If you want more information please PM me

Sue with 5


16-01-06, 01:00
I get some DLA, and I am on Incapacity Benefit due to my mental health problems (which is mostly generalised anxiety, and depression).

I wish I didn't need to be on them, but whilst recovering and trying to move on I have to live on something and my mental health problems have been quite disabling over the years.

I see no harm in mental health problems being considered as disabilities as for some it can be very disabling, but am glad they can be overcome. My parents are both physically diabled, yet able to have - right now - a better quality of life compared to myself. So, I think it can be compared. I don't think it matters if it physical or mental, it is how it impacts on your life.

heidi - absolutely amazed that your brother hasn't managed to get any DLA, have you tried getting in touch with the citizens advice bureau or a similar organisation?

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