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13-02-04, 15:20
i have anxiety but its not the reason i want to take these.
I have ear congestion and my doc gave me sudafed which causes rapid heartbeat and nervousness as it is a stimulant! but i am worried as i feel nervous enough most days and really do not want to add to it :(
But i need to take the sudafed as my ear is driving me nutts!!

I thought about asking him for a beta blocker as it calms the heart rate down, so i shouldnt feel the bad side effect from the sudafed ( i hope)

Do these work with the first tablet? they arent like antidepressants which can take weeks are they?

Are there any side effects i should be aware of? like stomach upsets for one (as i have a stomach prob)

Also are they addictive like xanax?

I only want to take them for a few weeks or less, while i am on the sudafed! so i shouldnt get dependant should I?

Thanks everyone xx


13-02-04, 15:56
Hi Claire,

Yes they work much quicker ..

Some people just take them as needed but they are better taken regularly for a few days.
Only side effect is - not to take if ashmatic and they drop your bloodpressure ( their primary use) but we usually get prescribed a lower dose.

Alternatively go and get your ears Hopi candled -clears them out in a jiffy with no ill effects at all. Many alternative practicioners do it as part of their portfolio. Gently warms up the junk and drains it out. Fabulous for sinuses too.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

13-02-04, 22:32
can i ask about ur ear,my doc says my ear is congested,i keep getting a crackilng feeling in my right ear ,its worse when i hear loud noises,do u have any symptoms.im on propanolol for my anxiety and im not allowed to take a lot of decongestants because they interfere with the propanolol,also some of them put ur bp up,

13-02-04, 23:02
years ago,doctors would just syringe the conjested ear/s..lately this has been frowned upon..but as meg says,alt therapists can heat the wax,and it will just flow out..end of problem!

medication is not like sweets..its not a good idea to..mix and match..for instance,a medication increases your heart rate,so lets find something to bring the heart rate down!

beta blockers basically control the flow of blood,in a mild dose,they bring the heart rate down,in a stronger dose,they bring the blood pressure down.

just explain your problem to your doctor,and he/she will decide wot to do for the best.....bryan.

14-02-04, 01:24
It may be worth giving a nasal spray for congestion a go.

I suffered with "crackling and a feeling of water trapped" in my ears and my doctor recommended

It is available without prescription, has no drug interactions and no special precautions.

PROPRANOLOL is used to reduce high blood pressure, to treat angina (chest pain),irregular heartbeats, migraines, and anxiety symptoms.
Propranolol may help to control your condition but will not cure it.
It may take several weeks for the medication to work.
It is not addictive, but should not be stopped without advice from your doctor.

It has many special precautions and interactions. Especially cimetidine, Rantidine (Tagamet), Diltiazem and verapamil. It can also interact with medications for migraine headaches, allergies, colds, and pain relief.

Tell your doctor if you suffer from asthma, or other lung disease, heart, liver, or kidney disease, diabetes, allergies, or thyroid problems. Or you are taking any other medications. If you are having surgery, including dental surgery, tell the doctor or dentist that you are taking propranolol. (As it may react with a general anaesthetic.)

I agree with Bryan, discuss your problem with your doctor for the best advice.

I hope you find that information helpful.

Love, light and Best wishes
Liz xxx

[:p] Panic Monster & Scatty Eccentric

14-02-04, 16:04
quote:Originally posted by tina2004

can i ask about ur ear,my doc says my ear is congested,i keep getting a crackilng feeling in my right ear ,its worse when i hear loud noises,do u have any symptoms.im on propanolol for my anxiety and im not allowed to take a lot of decongestants because they interfere with the propanolol,also some of them put ur bp up,

It isnt a wax problem or an infection. Its a congestion in the inner ear. Feels like pressure! and it crackels, especially when i yawn! like i want to put a pin in my ear and relieve it all (i wouldnt though mind). Does this ever go on its own?? i have had ear aches on and off for a year and they allways went! this has been here for 2 weeks!! :(


14-02-04, 16:05
[quote]Originally posted by stimpy

It may be worth giving a nasal spray for congestion a go.

I suffered with "crackling and a feeling of water trapped" in my ears and my doctor recommended

It is available without prescription, has no drug interactions and no special precautions.

PROPRANOLOL is used to reduce high blood pressure, to treat angina (chest pain),irregular heartbeats, migraines, and anxiety symptoms.
Propranolol may help to control your condition but will not cure it.
It may take several weeks for the medication to work.
It is not addictive, but should not be stopped without advice from your doctor.

It has many special precautions and interactions. Especially cimetidine, Rantidine (Tagamet), Diltiazem and verapamil. It can also interact with medications for migraine headaches, allergies, colds, and pain relief.

Tell your doctor if you suffer from asthma, or other lung disease, heart, liver, or kidney disease, diabetes, allergies, or thyroid problems. Or you are taking any other medications. If you are having surgery, including dental surgery, tell the doctor or dentist that you are taking propranolol. (As it may react with a general anaesthetic.)

I agree with Bryan, discuss your problem with your doctor for the best advice.

I hope you find that information helpful.

Love, light and Best wishes
Liz xxx

Thanks! does the nasal spray actually help then? do u have the same problem as me? congestion in the inner ear, not wax or infection problem?
I will get some if it helps! ;)


14-02-04, 16:06
quote:Originally posted by Radar

Hi Claire,

Yes they work much quicker ..

Some people just take them as needed but they are better taken regularly for a few days.
Only side effect is - not to take if ashmatic and they drop your bloodpressure ( their primary use) but we usually get prescribed a lower dose.

Alternatively go and get your ears Hopi candled -clears them out in a jiffy with no ill effects at all. Many alternative practicioners do it as part of their portfolio. Gently warms up the junk and drains it out. Fabulous for sinuses too.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

Thanks, i have read that it is a load of rubbish! all the wax that comes out is from the candel! LOL:D


14-02-04, 18:40
Some of my patients have found great relief for sinusēs and congestion which are not wax related.

I hope you get yours sorted out with one way or another as soon as possible as it can be so painful and constantly annoying. Let us know what helps.


14-02-04, 19:03

are ya a doc?

what should i take, i have p.a's everyday on a school week and the rescue remedies arnt working as i thought


14-02-04, 19:07

Meg is a nurse


14-02-04, 19:12
my mums a matron, bit higher then a nurse, i thought that meg was quite intelligent, thats why i thought she was a doc

what should i take, i have p.a's everyday on a school week and the rescue remedies arnt working as i thought


14-02-04, 19:47

lots of fresh air (great place to practice breathing techniques)..lots of exercise ( i know you have a bad back )but brisque walking will help..plenty of good sleep...good healthy diet(your mum will know)..vitaminB complex..keep a journal..look at the positive things in your life,discard the negative..have nice long baths,no lights,just a candle..get mum to buy you a relaxation tape,if not,let me know,a friend of mine will copy one for you!..above all,practice the breathing techniques on here,even when your feeling good,and relaxed..practice makes perfect,and will become second nature,and when your feeling panicky at school,they will come easy to do,and calm down that panic..hope this helps matey......bryan.

15-02-04, 09:06
cheers bryan

that made me happy to begin my day


15-02-04, 13:08
quote:Originally posted by Radar

Some of my patients have found great relief for sinusēs and congestion which are not wax related.

I hope you get yours sorted out with one way or another as soon as possible as it can be so painful and constantly annoying. Let us know what helps.


I have got a vix sinex nasal decongestant spray! better work! i like the tingly feeling on my nose! LOL. Do these nasal sprays work on the inner ear congestion? [8D]


15-02-04, 13:10
quote:Originally posted by jade

cheers bryan

that made me happy to begin my day


Look on the remedies page on this site! i have put loads of good things you can take for panics. Rescue remedy will not help, unless u believe in homeopathy (which i dont).

Take a vit B complex, mabie try 5htp with it or inositol ( a vit B) in high doses from 1 gram-12 grams or more you can use alot of this! like grams of it and it raises serotonin and helps with panics, been tested and i have herd how great it is!! give it a go. :)


15-02-04, 13:45

The page isn't "live" yet but you can all get a sneak preview at www.nomorepanic.co.uk/remedies.htm

The bottom stuff on the page isn't written yet as you can see but there is some stuff that is now completed.


15-02-04, 15:04

i just had to read that page and it is exellent. i think i learnt sumot today lol.

do ya want me to find sum more remedies of info for ya, im bored at the mo


turn that frown
upside down

15-02-04, 16:30
[quote]Originally posted by jade


i just had to read that page and it is exellent. i think i learnt sumot today lol.

do ya want me to find sum more remedies of info for ya, im bored at the mo


turn that frown

Its good stuff isnt it! you should add to it, although i have found nearly every remedy under the sun i think! LOL. But there might be more :)


15-02-04, 19:37

Claire kindly wrote some of it for me but if you can find anything on sleep remedies then that will be good. Or some relaxation tapes?


15-02-04, 21:20
quote:Originally posted by nomorepanic


Claire kindly wrote some of it for me but if you can find anything on sleep remedies then that will be good. Or some relaxation tapes?


I did write something about meletonin, which regulates sleeping patterns. And valerian in higher doses is great! get capsules with powder or a tinture. Tablets are not very good i find, too much filler and not enough of the herb itself :)


18-02-04, 13:30
Worked a treat for me.
Definately worth a go.

Love, light and Best wishes
Liz xxx

[:p] Panic Monster & Scatty Eccentric