View Full Version : another blip...

15-01-06, 23:11
hi everyone,
i've been feeling much better in the last few months - i have been known to go for at least a day without worrying or thinking about panic!
but in the last week or so, i keep getting those pre-panic anxious feelings again. the other day they were so intense they woke me up in the middle of the night. i woke up feeling so dizzy and sick i thought i was going to throw up.
i know i shouldn't complain, because even when i'm at my worst, it's not as bad as it used to be. but i am really struggling to deal with this blip - it is making me impatient and angry, which obviously is fueling the anxiety even more. also, i was so happy at the thought that it had gone away for ever, i can't deal with the reality that it might be here to stay.
i have some meds (diazepam) left over from my panic phase, but i really don't want to go there (even though i'm tempted to take the easy route to a good night's sleep!).
i know there isn't anything anyone can do, but just wanted to get that off my chest. my boyfriend is definitely sick of hearing the same old boring things over and over again...
henri xx

15-01-06, 23:48
Hi Henri

We all have blips now and again sweetie. I was a born worrier - still am but I'm getting much better at controlling what I worry about.

Are you worrying about something in particular or are you worrying about panic on its own??

A couple of months ago I thought I'd never get over them and thought this is it for the rest of my life and even my boyfriend began to lose faith that I would get better. But you know what I have come along way since my bad time which was only about 2-3 months ago. You will find that the blips will get further and further apart to a point where you will stop worrying about them and you will start to return to normal - that's what it was like for me anyway and I'm sure it will be the same for you. I kept thinking my boyfriend is gonna leave me soon cos I wasn't getting any better but without him I don't know where I'd be. Tell your boyfriend to hang on in there as things will get better and he's doing a great job even just being there for you and listening to you. The thing with panic is that you have to be patient too, it will get better in time.

You take care

Emma xx

16-01-06, 15:03

Something will have triggered this.

Go back to basics and see if you have changed something or let something slide.


Meg xx


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

16-01-06, 16:04
hi henri,

sorry to hear about your blip deary but thats all it is and it will pass like the other ones did.

remember what claire weekes taught us about not hoping you dont have them again but not to worry if you do. If you do have one again so what you know what to do now and you know it can't hurt you.

you are stronger now and you know the tools.. you'll pop out the other side, just accept it...

big hugs,

"do not fear to hope...Each time we smell the autumn's dying scent, we know that primrose time will come again"

16-01-06, 16:09
thank you for your replies - of course you are all right. it's just that sometimes when it's getting late, i start worrying about what if i can't deal with it this time.
but i suppose deep down i know i can.
onwards and upwards! xx

16-01-06, 16:25
Everybody's spot on henri!!!

Perhaps you and I need to get back on Megs mega mix!!!!!

Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

16-01-06, 21:44
Sorry youve had a bit of a blip Henri, like oyu say onwards and upwards, try to stay positive. Take care.xxx

Most of lifes battles are won, by looking beyond the clouds to the sun:
and having the patience to wait for the day,when the sun comes out and the clouds go away.

love from Alexisxx

16-01-06, 22:19
he he! i'd forgotten about meg's mega mix... maybe i need to stock up on some more! x

17-01-06, 09:22
Lol, me too!!!

Piglet xx