View Full Version : So fed up of this virus

30-03-10, 15:15
Started 6 days ago with the flu virus and cough - thankfully the flu bit has gone no aches or temp but the cough is awful especially at night. I don't have a constantly runny nose only when I have a coughing attack but my face feels as if its going to burst and my head feels all tingly and strange. I have taken antibitoics which I finish tomorrow and both my husband and friend started with virus two weeks ago - my husband is still coughing and exhausted but says he feels better in head than he did and friend now has a chest infection and on antibitoics and she is also conplaining about her face being heavy and hard to open eyes. The coughing is hurting my neck ( I have neck damage) and not sure if my painful neck is causing some of my symptoms as in tingly head or if its all down to the virus.

I spend half the night coughing and blowing my nose then feel dreadful when I finally get up with the pressure in my face and the tingling over scalp. I don't have any nasty gunk from anywhere so know I don't need any more antibiotics.

I could see my GP again on Thursday but don't really know how to describe how my weird head feels and probably just be told it the virus and bunged up sinuses.

Feel very low today as not getting any better and I HATE being ill as I panic all the time:weep:

30-03-10, 16:07
Hi Countrygirl,
I'm sorry you are still feeling so rotten. Sometimes these viruses seem to last forever. It sounds as though your sinuses are a bit congested and that's why you have the facial pressure and tingling. Maybe inhaling steam might help. I think these horrible bugs just take their own time to go but leave you feeling exhausted for a while. I'm sure it'll not be long until you are back to your normal self again but it sounds like you still need to take it easy. The flu always leave you feeling a bit low for a while because it takes so much out of you. Hope you feel better soon.:flowers:
Myra x

30-03-10, 16:25

I have replied to your threads before. I have had this horrible virus too. My husband and kids have all had forms of it but don't seem to have had it as bad or for as long as me!! The kids still all have hacking coughs and my youngest has conjunctivitis as well too!

I am nearly 2 weeks into this and today is the first day that I have started to feel significantly better. I started with the flu type aches, bunged up, cough and heavy, congested chest. I started taking ventolin and becatide (as I tend to get wheezy with this sort of thing!). By last Thursday, I was on antibiotics as well for a sinus infection (a lot of heaviness and pain in my cheeks and just above my eyes!) By last Friday, I was also on something to help clear up oral thrush that I got from taking the inhalers!! I have also been feeling really exhausted and just really fed up with being ill for so long!!

I tend to get panicky too when I have a cold mainly because I feel I can't breathe properly and I sigh a lot and take deep breaths! I am still like that today - it makes me feel sort of light headed and is a bad habit to break for me!! I have decided to stop taking the ventolin today as I am feeling a lot better in my chest and it gives me such horrible palpitations!!

It is a really nasty virus but I feel like I am at last turning a corner - it does get better!! Try to rest as much as you can. It will get better.

Take care

30-03-10, 16:57
get some codeine or a cough bottle with codeine, It's a cough suppressant and really good.
just ask your doc first so it doesn't interfere with any other medication.
In prescription dosages it does have a lovely calming affect but it's also addictive!
I had a flu took me 6 weeks before I felt back to normal.
I was dying from chest pain and tummy pain from the force of the cough but the cough bottle with codeine helped enough so i could sleep :-)
it can take ages to get over a virus. I know it can e depressing.
just eat well and take vitamins and healthy stuff .
hope you'll feel better soon :-)

30-03-10, 20:04
don't worry ,i have had mine 5 wks but now nealy gone atb steve:weep::):D:yahoo:

30-03-10, 20:50
Thanks everyone so much for replying and making me feel a bit better about not getting better quicker. My poor husband who started with this 2 weeks ago and although still coughing seemed to be on the mend has got a sore throat again!!!!!!!!! hoping he is not going to go backwards.

good idea about the codeine cough mixture for nighttime - hadn't thought of that.

I have def pulled something in right side of my chest as it hurts all the time sharp pain and is worse when i cough. I finish my antibitoics tomorrow. both husband and I have decided if we don't feel any better we will see Dr thursday to check no infections as you don't want to have to use out of hours over easter!

31-03-10, 07:23
I hope you feel better soon countrygirl.
It must be very annoying - when it doestn go away faster...
I am still a cloudy head myself... I know it will be like that for a while...typical...

I stopped antibiotics after 3,5 days as they were giving even more diarhea then anxiety... Well seems like 3,5 days was enough for flu.

31-03-10, 07:36
i've got the flu too. it's so sucky and takes a toll on the anxiety. hope you feel better fast!

31-03-10, 10:40
Thanks everyone - my sinuses are really weird as well - feels like someone has set fire to my face and forehead:) a bit like just before you sneeze and keep getting tremendous feeling of pressure from temple to temple.
I don't have anything nasty coming down nose - nose runs when i cough but its clear stuff. It makes me feel really strange in the head and if I turn round quickly I feel off balance.

Assuming it is all connected to the virus but so annoying to not be getting better. My husband is now over 2 weeks and he thought he was quite a bit better but still awful cough but he has got worse again - does it every go away!

I have a Drs appt this afternoon to check out my lungs as by evening I feel so tight chested and get the stabbing pain in right side of chest worse when i cough.

Will let you all know what she says.