View Full Version : hello, im new

30-03-10, 17:22
hello everyone,

i am new to this site but not to panic attacks, i have suffered for 2 and a half years since my daughter was 11 months old, having a bad day today and just want to hide, 3 panic attacks already today, bloody things:mad: any way thought i would say hi.

30-03-10, 17:25
Hi tinkerbel

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

31-03-10, 19:25
Hi tinkerbel. Sorry to hear about the panic attacks. I think they and agoraphobia and the most immediately limiting forms of anxiety. :hugs:Luckily I've not had them myself, but I didn't want you to feel ignored... I do know about hiding though as my GAD makes me withdraw quite often. Sometimes nearly for days at a time.

If you read the information off the left hand menu, search the forums and ask questions you should get some good advice.

I guess my question for you (to answer to yourself really, you don't have to post the answer unless you want too) is were there any major or scary events when your daughter was 11 months? Sometimes its useful to uncover the trigger for these things. Sometimes we just have to try to change the future.