View Full Version : What does a breakdown feel like?

16-01-06, 00:06
And what the bloody hell do you do about it?

Not that I am scaring myself or anything....

16-01-06, 08:29
hannah. you read claire weekes book on how c to conquer it. how do you know that is what you are having . i have the feelings from time to timebut when you follow this book it works. must follow it 100 percent and it is 100 percent successful. all the best . jackie

16-01-06, 10:49

I had a nervous breakdown over 8 years ago and I can only describe it as HELL. Reassure yourself that if you are able to sit at the computer and write a message on here then you are not having a breakdown. Hope that can be of some use. On a more positive note though, I believe it is your body's way of alerting you to make some changes in your life.

Take care

........life is for living not just for surviving

16-01-06, 11:03
I can't do anything else though.

I can't sleep, can't eat, go and get a drink, put the TV on: nothing. I'm just sat here. I can't even bring myself to reply to emails properly.

Just wish I could do something right for once.

existential crisis
16-01-06, 11:03

Darkangel is right - I have also suffered a breakdown and I can tell you that when it was happening to me I wouldnt have the insight you do - to be able to sit on a computer and type about your thoughts and feelings would have been impossible for me when I went through it. I couldnt even think straight - let alone get to a computer and ask for advice. Be reassured that this is more than likely a neuroses about 'going mad' or losing control which is anxiety. Clare. xxx

*I think, therefore I am.*

16-01-06, 11:22
Thanks. I am trying to muddle through what I am thinking. Other people's opinions aren't always that helpful, are they? (I don't mean you guys), if it wasn't for one of my friends telling me that's how I was behaving... I needed to post and ask rather than try and look it up, because I knew I would just end up experiencing it all more. Make sense? Probably not!

I've gone beyond coping (hopefully just for now), but it just seems there's nothing I can do. I am trying really hard not to contact the therapist at home too, as I haven't heard from her yet and don't want her to hate me even more.

existential crisis
16-01-06, 11:31

Well your friend is obviously someone who hasnt had experience of something like this and doesnt realise how sensitive are you when it comes to comments like that. I mean everyone makes jokes about people who are 'nuts' or 'mental' or 'psycho' or whatever but people dont realise that its not really funny if someone has actually had experience of it. When my anxiety was at fever pitch everytime there was anything said about mental health, whether it be on the telly or a friend saying it or whatever it almost made me flinch because I was so frightened of things like that - if that makes sense! Thats probably why you are asking us what a breakdown is like - because your friends comment has obviously fired up your anxiety. You might be behaving strangely to someone who hasnt ever had severe anxiety but to us here, you arent. I know what you mean about going beyound coping - I got to that stage too. I know it sounds harsh but I think once it gets to a certain level, there isnt really much you can do but sit it out and wait for it to dissipate - but thats just my experience of it. The good news tho is that it doesnt last long and things do settle down. If you feel that you need to speak to the therapist then ring her - thats her job. Im sure she doesnt hate you, hun. If you need her then call - I was calling bloody everyone and I didn't give a **** lol! Clare. xxx

*I think, therefore I am.*

16-01-06, 11:39
It's been slowly getting worse since I opened up and was honest about things. I just wish I hadn't bothered. I have noone who understands. And feel I am trying to be OK for people because they don't. I think that's why I moan so much on forums, because I am so "Yeah, everything's fab" in everyday life.

My friend didn't mean it horrid, she's quite worried I think. She spent an hour last night trying to persuade me to go to bed. But I can't. I'll only be disappointed when I wake up. And now it's "you have to eat something". I don't. I'm not ready. I just wish I could kind of label the problem right now, and then just move on from it. Medication isn't touching it.

Thank you for listening. I am really sorry. x

16-01-06, 16:46
please hannah read claire weekes book it will help you understand what is happening. above all you will no if this is a break down

16-01-06, 17:31
Thank you Jackie. I have ordered it now.

16-01-06, 19:18

I found that Prozac really helped with my depression.

Hope you feel better soon.


16-01-06, 21:47
I have tried Prozac and 5 others. Have been prescribed Cipramil, but didn't take it. Do you think it's worth trying? I am beginning to feel desperate.. I just need some encouragement that way as my hypnotherapist is very anti-medication atm, and doesn't think it helps me... I would have to have stupidly low dose again though as I was so ill on the last lot of SSRIs (and the tetracylic ones!). Sorry!

existential crisis
17-01-06, 10:10

Maybe its worth giving the Cipramil a try if you have tried lots of others. Usually finding a medication that works is a trial and error process anyway so maybe it will be 6th (or 7th!) time lucky for you! If you find that that doesnt agree with you then you could always keep trying meds if thats the way you want to go. Maybe your hypnotherapist is anti-meds because she works mainly with alternative therapies and is therefore slightly biased towards that? Im assuming that when you say you need encouragement 'that way', you mean that you want someone you give you some reassurance/encouragement about taking meds? If you feel that medication is the way forward for you then dont be swayed by what the hypnotherapist says - its up to you what treatment you have for your anxiety/depression. Maybe you could have a chat with your GP about it? xxx

*I think, therefore I am.*

19-01-06, 09:46

let me no how you get on with the book in a private message. good luck
