View Full Version : Fear of anti-biotics

30-03-10, 18:19
So, I did it, I have now taken a full 24 hours of my amoxicillin. However, I don't feel much less anxious - I am now convinced that I will still have a reaction, one of the even rarer lesser ones (you know liver or kidney troubles) or even a delayed allergy with breathing trouble. Or, even a delayed rash after stopping the amoxy. Likelihood- very small I'd guess ?! Anyone feel the same way and got through it ?

magic girl
30-03-10, 19:34
i think most of us on here get like this when taking any sort of meds i guess its part of our anxiety,i had a reaction to some painkillers years ago(coproximol i think)and iv worried over taking meds since,iv got some diazapam for emergency's but im always worried about using them as im afraid of becoming adicted to them.im sure you will be fine with your antibiotics as they give the one your using to small children(my son has had them on several occasions)but if you get really worried speak to your g.p just to put your mind at rest,you will be fine though:yesyes::yesyes:

30-03-10, 21:53
most people learn that they have an allergy to penicillin when there a child as most kids need an antibiotic at some point. if you've ever had tonsillitis as a child I'm sure you would have had penicillin.
I took 3 tablets for 2 weeks straight when I had a tooth infection. even though I had taken penicillin before I was like you, totally worried I'd have a reaction.
i spent the first week worrying about! of course nothing happened.
personally I find penicillin to be the antibiotic with the least amount of side effects :-)

I did have a reaction to a (different) antibiotic, the first time i took it i had a rash/hives on the last day.
a year later i was on the same antibiotic again, on the second day I got the same rash so I stopped taking it and my doctor made a note of my intolerance to it in my file.
most reactions start with a rash, very very rarely do you get a full blown reaction and the chance of getting a delayed reaction are even less.

31-03-10, 12:58
Thanks magicgirl and Mishel for your replies. Why do us HA sufferers always make up the worst scenario possible for anything...illness, reactions etc. ? (no need to answer that rhetorical question lol) I've taken all forms of penicillin before, with no so much as a mild 'anything reaction' bar a bit of thrush that resolve. I feel so daft now, but thanks for making me feel not as crazy as I did about taking it. :yesyes: