View Full Version : Update on joint pains

30-03-10, 21:15
Saw rheumatologist yesterday who said i definetly did not have arthritis and did not know what was causing my pains- he said it was a mystery.
Joint pain is a bit better but has not gone completley. Now at a loss at what to do, have made another appointment with gp.
I asked about carrying on taking the diclofenic , he said that if i was still in pain to carry on.
Not sure whats going on , gp felt i had arthritis.
Could stress have caused such bad joint pains.
Has anyone been given the all clear and then gone on to be diagnosed with arthritis.

30-03-10, 22:16
That's good news that you've been given the all clear. From what you've written I didn't think it was RA. On the other hand, I know how frustrating it is not getting a proper diagnosis and being told it's a "mystery". Heard that one many times before...

I know this is easier said than done but you really need to put this behind you now. It's always possible that any one of us could contract a serious illness in the future but we can't live our lives like that.

Once my anxiety was under control I found that my pain levels reduced to the point where I could lead a normal life. And I think that's the key.

sarah jayne
31-03-10, 10:20
Im going through the same, ive been diagnosed with a vit d and calcium deficiency x

01-04-10, 07:55
Thank you for your replies, but im finding it really hard to be reassured by the rheumatalogist, he was very abrupt and didn't really listen. I forgot to tell him about my tiredness and pins and needles in my hands, also when i kneel my left knee is very painful and feels that something is moving.
I have booked another appointment with my GP , but not until the 19th April as she is away.
This has been going on for 4 months now and i just keep thinking this can't all be stressed.Alsoit doesn't help that my sister has been misdiagnosed twice with serious complaints.
Please can anyone advise again.THANKS

sarah jayne
01-04-10, 09:38
My rheumotologist was very abrupt aswell, i felt worse after i had seen her. She said it wasnt artritis but didnt tell me what it was, it was my doc that tested me for vit d. I also have extreme tiredness and pins and needles and my left ankle is swollen. if i could afford 2 go private i would, its been going on since november..

01-04-10, 09:39
Hi all,

Have read your posts with interest. My partner has experienced the same however her symptons tend to get worst when she is under stress. She saw a specialist who diagnosed Fibromyalgia. He mentioned that alot of Dr`s are unaware of this condition. Sarah Jayne, this also causes vit B deficiency. Good luck

sarah jayne
01-04-10, 09:49
My doctors written to my rheumotolist to test me for fibro but my appointment isnt til next month, i'll keep everyone informed x

01-04-10, 10:59
Hi all,

Have read your posts with interest. My partner has experienced the same however her symptons tend to get worst when she is under stress. She saw a specialist who diagnosed Fibromyalgia. He mentioned that alot of Dr`s are unaware of this condition. Sarah Jayne, this also causes vit B deficiency. Good luck

I do wonder about fibromyalgia in my case as well. My mom had the condition and i believe it can be hereditary.
My symptoms seem to change depending on the weather and time of year. I find that this damp, cooler weather starts off aches and stiffness in my shoulders, neck, knees, elbows etc.I also get occassional lightheadedness as the muscles get so tense in shoulders and neck.

02-04-10, 13:38
still trying to cope with joint pains and trying to accept that its not arthritis. Have appointment with gp but not for a couple of weeks. Was very stressed before joint pains started, maybe this has something to do with it. Have been thinking about fibromyalgia , rheumatolgist did press some of my joints - not sure if he was checking for this as he was so abrupt i was not able to ask him. Really worried that these pains will never go, although i do have good days. Need to find out if i should carry on with the diclofenic, again rheumatologist was unhelpful.
It helps to read peoples replies and how like me they suffer from joint pain but have been told they do not have arthritis.
I think i really would like another opionion from a different rheumatologist , has anyone done this and got a different diagnosis..

02-04-10, 17:35
hi i have suffered the same pains for about a year now started off in my hands and it has spread to all different parts i definitely think it could be stress related. I had tests done in December which ruled out RA however i have not been told what else it could be one day its my hands then my feet, legs, shoulders, arms and sometimes a mixture of both i also get pins and needle and numbness in my hands especially at night. It can be debilitating i had a bad bout in December and i couldn't walk for a week. i am taking diclafenac 3xdaily and 2xparacetamol 3xdaily. would like to hear from people who have got to the bottom of this or how u have managed this condition. ps dont want to go back to docs as i am terrified of being sent for a scan or further invasive tests.

02-04-10, 17:39
Hi Eily,
I will let you know what my gp says when i go back,did your rheumatologist mention fibromyalgia?
Pauline x

02-04-10, 17:50
Hi thanks for your reply pauline
nothing else has been mentioned when i visited nmp last night was reading symptoms of anxiety in which one of them is muscle pains i have also suffered from panic and anxiety for a year and i am now womdering if there is a link?

04-04-10, 06:58
I had RSI for 10 years that has magically dissapeared since my dx of Pyroluria, histadelia and copper overload, all of which cause depression and anxiety. It is a type of fibromyalgia that is caused by a lack of neurotransmitters,just like depression and anxiety.

04-04-10, 15:03
How did they diagnose this?