View Full Version : hi new here could really use some reassurance :(

30-03-10, 22:00
am really struggling lately i have been getting chest pains mostly on the left side now and again on the right i get a burning sensation in my windpipe tingling in my hands an dizziness i get this almost daily sweaty hands i have been to my doctors an the hospital i have had an ECG xray and blood tests all come back fine if anyone els has this sort of thing and could help drop me a line thanks

30-03-10, 22:02
Hi jayr10

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

30-03-10, 23:35
Hey jayr10,
i can completely understand where your coming from, i have experienced all of the same things at one time or another.

Drop me a line if you want to chat
Take care :hugs:

31-03-10, 16:58
hey Kat yer that would be great just talking about it an reading what other ppl have got to say really helps me if you didn mind could you tell me what happens to you and how often stuff like that? i have been trying to tell myself when i get them that its nothing wrong and its been working to sum degree an seems to happen more when i get home from work or when am tired i have only had this since December its really confuseing an is getting me down and any help i get really puts my mind to rest

thanks jay .. :P

01-04-10, 11:41
Hi Jay,
i started having panic attacks after an operation last year. It was a particularly stressful time in my life and to top things off i felt my lungs stop before i was properly asleep! My panics started literally as i was leaving the hospital, but unfortunately i didnt know what they were at first. Anyway, i get all the classic symptoms, heart pounding, cheat pain, numbness, shakess...you name it n ive felt it!
As id just had an op i was in and out of hospital for the first week having every test you could imagine! In the end they said i was suffering extreme stress and to go home and rest. Not very useful!
Well to cut a long story short, i finally saw a good doc in august and have had several things since then. I started on beta blockers and councelling and both really helped. the councelling helped me come to terms with what happened in the op and the meds helped my body feel 'normal' again. Now im off the meds and am waiting to see a psychologist. Ow also, i did an online cbt course (through gp) which was very useful.
Apologies, so much has happened!
Reasuring yourself is a very good start jay, but what i found really helped me was to get to the bottom of why i was feeling this way, then to understand the mechanics of panic and now i guess im going on to deal with it in a way.
What i will say is just hang on in there, this site is amazing for information and a very good start to get things happening.
Have you been to your docs yet?

If you'd like to talk more dont hesitate to contact me, id be happy to talk to you anytime. PM me if you would like?

Tank care :)

02-04-10, 11:55
hey kat thanks for sharing with me and thanks amieekid x

yer kat i have been the doctors as i mentioned had an ecg bloods xray the hole lot ha all came back normal bu still cant stop these feelings i have been the doctors and just feel as if i am not being listened to but to be honest i don't think i would listen to anything they sed i just worry to much i also get panic attacks while i am falling asleep just as am nodding off i wake in a gasp of air as if i haven been breathing oh and latly i have been getting a sensation of my skin crawling behind my left shoulder ! i dunno what's wrong with me ha i think i am turning symptoms into anxiety i dont no ha xxx

02-04-10, 20:33
Hi Jay,
i have experienced the sleep thing myself and its very scary! Can i just ask why you wouldn't believe the docs?
I do understand how hard it is, for such a long time i just couldnt accept that i could feel all these things and there not be something horribly wrong! Have you thought about counselling or cbt? They can be very useful especially in changing thought patterns.

All i can say is it will get better, you have to believe that.
Im always here if you need a chat, ill help as much as i can :hugs:

04-04-10, 17:54
hey kat sorry took a while to reply internet was off what you sed is exactly why i dont believe that i can feel the symptoms an there so real but there is nothing wrong with me i have been gettin a little bit better over the last week or so i think so fingers crossed i cant start to get over this how ave you been doin anyway? you feeling good? hope so xx

08-04-10, 20:36
Hi Jay,
im glad your feeling better :) im ok, life is a little stressful at the mo but generally im fine.
Im sure you can get over this. Let me know if you find anything useful, im always looking for new ideas! I just found out that i cant get cbt or anything for at least 3months so that was a bit of a blow.

Anyway, take care xx