View Full Version : Chest Pinch

31-03-10, 04:49
Pleased to say that the stabbing random chest pains I had been getting in my left area has gone, touch wood - which seems to be the result of my back getting a bit better and not stressing so much about it.

BUT ... it never ends there does it.

These days I am still having chest discomfort in the same side but is now more under the breast area.
I will admit at times I am looking for this feeling as such which I know is stupid and bad and is probably making the sensation much worse etc etc yet none the less would like to know if anyone else has felt this before.

When I take a deep breath in and I feel my chest contracting sometimes, not always I get like a pinch feeling.

Anyhow that is what I am dealing with at the moment and not getting my head around.

The rest of them even if there is no pain or anything happening I seem to be so much more aware of that area and there is a constant heavyness/discomfort there ... yet the other side if I think about that feels free etc.
Is this normal? Do I need to be concerned?

Thanks heaps all :)

31-03-10, 07:44
Anx makes us so much more aware of little aches and pains that are part of normal life. And it makes us believe it is something serious. I have low iron & haven't had much fluid all day and im freaking out that the lightheadedness i feel could be some serious illness and not from the obvious.

i get chest pinches too which make me breathe harder and faster and always trying to see if it's there. sometimes it just goes away and i forget it was even there to begin with and i focus on something new, another part of the body.