View Full Version : Trying to find guidance

31-03-10, 05:05
Hello everyone,

I honestly don't know what to do with myself anymore. I feel scared constantly. I fear so much that I am going to go insane. I have no idea what is wrong with me. I never used to be this way.

On December 31st I had a panic attack because of a bad reaction to medication. This was the first one I'd ever experienced and it scared the living crap out of me. I, for some reason now am almost convinced that because of this I am going to become Schizophrenic or something like that. I can't stop thinking about it and it's scaring the hell out of me.

I'm able to identify that this happened because of the reaction to the medication, but I am totally unable to let it go.

I don't know, I feel backed into a wall and that I'm losing. I've lost interest in many things I loved doing and I feel like this won't ever get better.

If anyone could offer guidance or if you could just say hello that would make me feel miles better.


31-03-10, 05:23
What medication was it, and how did you react to it? What about it made you become so fearful?

31-03-10, 13:05
Hi there,

I'm sorry you're feeling so awful. I had a panic attack because of medication once too and it was horrible :hugs:

Anxiety can do horrible things to you. I think the worries you're having about becoming Schizophrenic are 'intrusive thoughts' and they're horrible, irrational thoughts that come about when you're anxious. You don't like them so you try and push them away or think 'why am I thinking this when I know it's not true?' so they become more powerful because they are upsetting you. Then they come back tenfold and you feel like you're going insane! Does that make any sense?

The best thing you can do, which I know is really hard and I could shout at people sometimes if they say this when I'm anxious, but notice you're worrying about becoming schizophrenic and say to yourself 'I'm thinking that again. It's just because I'm anxious.' and just get on with whatever you were doing instead of trying to stop yourself thinking that. It doesn't work.

I really hope that makes some kind of sense and helps a bit. If not...sorry.

Anyway :welcome: