View Full Version : Can't think clearly

31-03-10, 06:12
We'll the physical sensations have lessened but now I got a whole new mental condition. I feel like I just can't think clearly and my thoughts are "muddled". If I were to describe this I would say I was inebriated and simply could not think clearly. I also feel like my mind is going blank and I space out a lot. I could just stare at the wall for twenty minutes and not realize that I'm not doing anything. It's really scary because I feel like I'm losing brain activity and I get really scared I would get stuck this and lose brain function and become mentally challenged :( Yeah this is a really weird thought but I just feel so "stupid" when I get these moments and I feel like one of those lifeless dolls who are there physically but not mentally. I'm pretty sure this is something to do with anxiety but what do you guys suggest I do about this feeling? Its not hurting me in anyway but its a very troubling feeling to whoever has it before. Would really appreciate suggestions on how to lessen these effects on me.

31-03-10, 06:31
I think i know what youa re feeling, like you mind is covered with og and your activity is slowed down like in the slow motion moovie. It s a very dibilitating feeling.

I have been like that for a week.
It is almost likely anxiety, depresonalisation and sideeffects of anxiety.

It is very unpleasant as feel you are loosing connection with reality and especially its disturbing wen it is prolonged.

Dont worry you are not the first one experiencing it. Just do your best to start relaxing your body. when body will get relaxed, mind will start doing the same...

31-03-10, 20:17
What pyhsical sensations were you feeling?
I totally relate to what you are describing. I think it is derealization your brain shutting off saying NO MORE, I HAVE HAD ENOUGH. Funny I have been having burning sensations and going CRAZY & now my Derealization is back, when I am all foggy my physical sensationsa re calmer or gone. So weird.
Feel better but know I feel the exact same way.

01-04-10, 02:01
I feel like I'm losing control of my mind and reality. I feel like I'm just going to start having a seizure of something because it feels so weird!! I have no idea how to accurately describe it but its not a good feeling. Any ideas on how long this is going to stay on what I should do to make it pass?

01-04-10, 09:55
I know how you feel and I find it really hard to explain it. The best way I can describe the feeling is like being really heavily stonned but not in a good way. Everything around me seems distance and different and so do sounds.

Sometimes the feeling only lasts for a few minutes or hours but recently I have had this feeling on and off for about 2 weeks along with headaches and pains and it is so scarey. I too feel like ive got some mental condition or im going to have a sezier or just go mad but so far touch wood it hasnt happened. I just try and tell myself that its only anxiety but its hard.

Think positive Chilli2424 it will pass, sleep helps a little i find.

01-04-10, 23:49

you just decribed me there perfectly. Its so scary and it does feel like im out of my mind and high as hell but im not! I hope this passes!

02-04-10, 00:55
I know this feeling. I had thoughts but then they would get lost in the thick cloud in my head and I couldn't get them back. I would forget what I was going to say halfway through saying it. I couldn't concentrate on watching TV because I'd forget what I was watching and I couldn't focus on the words on a page. I felt weak and faint after even a little bit of exercise. I couldn't remember when things had happened or even if they'd happened at all. I'd be searching for the word I wanted but I'd know there was no way I was going to find it. When I was at work I had to phone a load of people but I kept forgetting why I was calling and who I even was.

I felt in some ways like my brain was playing tricks on me and fuelling my anxiety by going blank when I was in a pressured situation. This feeling only got worse when the doctor put me on temazepam but getting a lot of sleep helped. After about 2 months on sertraline, I felt like my brain was being put back together and I could have coherent thoughts and remember things better and I started to do things faster. I don't know if the medication helped or if a couple of months of relaxing and sleeping helped more.

02-04-10, 04:58

I know how it is! It's horrible and it feels like your sort of getting "stupider". It's very scary and man I hope it goes away. I hate this feeling because I don't even know why its happening. It's really random and happens actually when I don't even feel that bad.

04-04-10, 20:19
Oh wow...this is pretty much exactly what i am going through and Ive been this way for 6 WEEKS! I feel weird almost all of the time...sometimes its worse than others but overall it is HORRIBLE and its really starting to get me down. My doc told me to forget abt it!! easy for her to say!!

I feel as if im ' outside ' of myself at times.
I zone out A LOT.
I get weird head sensations.
I can't think with any clarity. everything muddles together/thoughts 'spin' out of control/go off on wild tangents etc.
I think one word but say another/ things come out back to front/wrong.
Its hard for me to read or take anything in as I just can't process/absorb things as well as I used to.

Ungh, yeah..its really hard to precisely expain exactly how it feels..but in a nutshell I guess its brain fog/confusion...I worry too that im abt to have a seizure or tht its some f'ed up form of epilepsy or even tht I have a tumour in my brain or something...I had MRI of head in DECEMBER which came bk all clear so my doc said it cant be a tumour. I have visual snow and have been known to have prolonged migraine auras..thats why I had the MRI in the first place..So I think it may be connected to that.

But wow, yeh..this has eased my mind a little. to know im nt alone here.

04-04-10, 20:35
We'll we all have pretty much the same symptoms so the question is... whats causing it exactly (besides anxiety of course) and how to treat it.

05-04-10, 18:11
doubt i'll ever know really..dnt know abt anyone else...

05-04-10, 18:47
Brain fag according to claire weekes. when a student studies he is thinking hard and has to walk away beacuse his brain cant hold anymore info with anxiety all we do is think think and er think lol so thoughts become muddled and slow. you can think all day without feeling these things but when you think with anxiety your brain has that thing called brain fag harmless hun but awful xx

05-04-10, 18:49
makes you feel unreal foggy far away too like living in a grey world hope this helps xx

06-04-10, 01:25
more to it than just 'fog' with me im afraid.

I cant even begin to explain it properly and im really tired so I won't.

I'll be bk to speak with my doctor soon. Doubt ill get taken seriously though.

06-04-10, 01:41
I believe this may be a type of panic attack, since I have experienced it a few times. Feeling 'stuck' and unable to move or speak at all. A technique my therapist suggested (and which I suggest to everyone now!) is to practice mindfulness, a type of meditation. It is based around 'living in the moment' and it actually manages to calm me down during a panic attack! I hope this helps... I'll try and find some good links if you want to know more

06-04-10, 02:25
for me it feels like im just getting plain stupider and cant process thoughts at all

06-04-10, 11:47
Check out the symptoms of pyroluria. This dx changed my life but the average Dr has never heard of it.

06-04-10, 12:48
The only 2 things that make me feel a bit better when Im feeling like this is excercise and sex.
The only problem that because excercise makes me feel better ive developed a sort of addiction to excercise, I train (lift weights & Kickboxing) 4 days a week and the days I dont are when i feel worse. Plus overtraining brings on my anixety symptoms because i am so tired and worn out, i was exercising everyday but had to cut it down due to always being tired and aching.

06-04-10, 13:11
Check out about pyroluria and histadellia, both of which can cause excruciating anxiety.lol

06-04-10, 16:07
ugh, felt rly weird last night as i was trying to sleep..seriuosly getting tired of feeling like this all the time.

06-04-10, 23:02
this is something i hate about having sa/gad. your thinking can become muddled, as if youre walking through fog, you cant see very far. you'll be going along a line of thought then suddenly you'll totally forget wtf you were thinking about and it's just blank. there's an aspect of depersonalisation in that.
sometimes a train of thought is interuppted by a negative/anxious thought...its annoying to say the least like NeverRelaxed said feeling of 'being outside yourself', well that is depersonalisation and its hard to explain..idk

it feels asif youre getting stupider, but if you recover from anxiety which hopefully you will, your thinking will sharpen up to a level you wont expect, consistent clear thinking becomes possible again, so youre not lossing any brains cells if thats what your worried about