View Full Version : Pls educate me on iron blood test results?

31-03-10, 07:34
Can someone pls educate me on iron blood test results?

I don't understand why my serum iron & saturation levels are so low when the ferritin iron stores are very good. If I have plenty of stores, why is my body not using it? I have a 5 mth old baby & breastfeeding, no bleeding & iron levels were normal soon after birth.

Serum Iron 7.3 (9.0 - 26.0) umol/L
Transferrin 3.13 (2.10 - 3.80) g/L
Saturation 9 (13 - 51) %
Ferritin 81 (10 - 120) ug/L (iron stores)

Does anyone know? My anxiety has sky rocketed because of this and i can't make another appt to see the doc cause of the coming public holidays. I've been lightheaded & depressed all day, not sure if it's low iron or anxiety.

31-03-10, 08:07
these are normal readings yours seems ok if not can be treated with iron tablets

The haemoglobin level. Haemoglobin is the iron-rich protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen through the body. The normal range of haemoglobin levels for the general population is 11.1–15.0 g/dL. A low haemoglobin level means a person has anaemia.
The haematocrit (hee-MAT-oh-crit) level. The haematocrit level measures how much of the blood is made up of red blood cells. The normal range for haematocrit levels for the general population is 32–43 percent. A low haematocrit level is another sign of anaemia.

31-03-10, 08:11
thanks for the reply gypsy. why is my serum iron & saturation levels are low when the ferritin iron stores are very good?

02-04-10, 11:59
its not bad iron tablets will sort it out

05-04-10, 01:59
Do you feel wired and tired? I think pregnancy uses up lots of zinc ,and post partum one can get copper overload. Zinc and copper are antagonistic to each other. unable to provide links but there is lots of info on the net.

05-04-10, 02:04
i do feel tired and crappy all the time. but with a young baby & a daughter less than 2, i dont get as much sleep as i would like.

i just got my period today (5 mths after giving birth) and it's very heavy and freaking me out :(

all this is making my anxiety really bad.

20-04-10, 12:52
Thank you for the information..
I will try to sort it out , then I will inform you with the solution...