View Full Version : What is Serotonin Syndrome??

Desprate Dan
31-03-10, 10:50
Does anyone know what is Serotonin syndrome is?? and how common is it???

I am currently taking Citalopram and Propanolol and the other day i had a terrible headache think it was tension, due to worrying about my Aunts funeral, i looked in the medical box at home for some pain relief tablets the only ones i could find were tramadol.
I took them but started to feel light headed, and when i looked on the computer it said that taking tramadol with citalopram could result in Serotonin syndrome which can prove fatal....

Does anyone know how common this actually is??


31-03-10, 11:44
i think if you only took one then you don't have to worry - what it means is that certain drugs increase your serotonin levels like the antidepressents you are on and some other drugs so obviously if you take enough of these types of drugs then you will get overload of serotonin.

I understand that if you get this it is very obvious that you are very ill but as long as you don't keep taking tramadol with your anti depressants then I would imagine you will be fine - ask the pharmacist you can often see them in a private room for advice.