View Full Version : New Member / Cancer Worry!!

31-03-10, 15:59
Hi all,

I am new to this and would like to share my worry / concern from people that have or are going through a similar experience.

I will keep this to the point and as brief as possible.

A week prior to Xmas I was noticing that I was having to go to the loo more frequently, though was only passing dribbles or small amounts of urine. My bladder had a full feeling even after going to the loo, like I had drunk 5 pints and was having to hold myself from going!

On New Years Eve I woke 3 times during the early hours to pee, which I never do and a few days later I started to get stomach gurgling noises and pain in my lower back. At my partners request, I went to my GP. The nurse joked that I has probably over down the alcohol during Xmas and tested my urine. To my surprise, there were traces of blood in it – not visible to the eye. The nurse said that I probably had an infection adding that blokes do not usually get urine infections or I may have a kidney stone. I was given a weeks course of antibiotics to take and told to return a week later.

Prior to finishing the course, my stomach began to swell and I was very bloated. I was also in considerable pain. I paid the GP a visit who said that I had a lot of wind activity in the stomach and prescribed lansoprazole, he blamed it on alcohol even though I had not consumed any within 2 weeks.

I returned a few days later after completion of the antibiotics to have the urine tested again, all was clear though I still regularly feeling the fullness pain in my bladder. I mentioned that I was speaking to someone (a nurse) during the weekend and he mentioned at my age that I should not rule out bladder or kidney cancer. The Dr said that I was too young – I’m 39.

Not happy with this Dr, I went to see a private Dr who carried out an endoscopy ultrasound (EUS) and all was clear. I have also had a Full Blood Count, Liver (GGT test 23) & Kidney function tests, a Prostrate blood test and a thyroid test; again all clear.

In addition to experiencing general malaise, pain in my groin and armpits, stomach spasms, diahorrea, extreme fatigue and a loss of about 3kgs over 7 – 8 weeks and spots of blood on the toilet paper and constant waking during the early hours to pass diahorrea, I became convinced that I had bowel cancer ( a guy at works daughter died of this last year aged 29 and had similar symptoms)and asked this Dr for a colonoscopy, which he reluctantly agreed to do so, though he seem to think I was displaying asymptomatic problems. The colonoscopy was carried out and apart from some small diverticular and a section of my colon being in spasm all was cleared.

I went back to my GP still complaining that I felt ill and mentioned that I am now getting pain in my elbows, knees, legs, arms, thighs, back, shoulder and every now and then my chest feels heavy. I also commented that my trousers feel a lot looser around my backside and my arms and legs are skinnier. I have been so tired that I have been in bed by 8.30 – I use to be up until midnight every week night and into the early hours during the weekend.

I said that I was wondering whether I could have a cancer that originated in the kidney that spread to the lung and bones. His reply was that I was suffering from extreme anxiety and depression and referred me to a counsellor and prescribed sleeping pills, Zimovane and an antidepressant, Citalopram, which I have been taking for 2 weeks and experienced some nasty side effects. I was signed off work for two weeks in addition to the 2 weekds that I had taken off prior to the colonoscopy.

I can honestly say that this whole experience has destroyed me; personally and professionally. I have not socialised for weeks, am constantly looking in the mirror at my body, checking my arms and legs and face, my girlfriend is on the verge on leaving me and people that know me cannot believe the change of my personality from being a positive, social fun loving guy to being very negative and convinced that I have a terminal illness. Everyone seems to think it`s anxiety and depression. Can this cause these pains??? The cancer advice line that I have phoned on numerous occasions when I feel really down knows me by name now!! I really am at my wits end!

31-03-10, 16:11
Anxiety can cause all of the pains you describe and more besides. I get lots of pains, twitches, numbness, pins & needles, blurred vision etc. After struggling with anxiety / panic/ depression for 12 years, I still find it difficult to believe that it can cause such physical symptoms.

31-03-10, 17:09
Thanks for your reply. I have also been experiencing pins & needles and stiffness especially around the hips, legs & back. Also pain in my bum cheecks which someone said is probably caused by tension too.

I wish you all the best