View Full Version : Any tips for getting back to work?

31-03-10, 16:14
I have been out of work since september 2008 and really need to get back to work, mainly for money reasons as well as everyone else telling me i need to be getting out of the house and not spending so much time on my own.
The thing is i am actually quite scared, i dont feel as though i can sell myself to a future employer, i dont think i could handle responsibility and i get very nervous when im out and about.
My fiance is very supportive he tells me i can do these things and encourages me by helping me to focus on the future, but this is a massive step and i dont really know how to approach it.


31-03-10, 16:43
Hi! I have found the same thing - I study from home but have always had a part-time job up until the anxiety kicking off last summer. After being at home so long the thought of having to apply and do jobs was really daunting. I got a casual xmas temp job in December just to ease myself into it and 'test' myself safe in the knowledge that the job didn't 'matter' if I couldn't do it or it was too much and that I would never see the people again or need a reference from them if I just didn't go back one day.
It really helped me removing that pressure and respnsibility - I'm not sure if that would help? But maybe part-time temporary work to build your confidence up at first? That's the thing I've felt most from the anxiety now I'm starting to feel a bit better, I'm still really scared to do new things and I've just lost all of my confidence. I just keep reminding myself of small steps!!

02-04-10, 00:48
Hi. I've been off work since December last year. About a month ago I started volunteering in a local charity shop, in the knowledge that it wouldn't involve an interview, in fact no one has really asked why I'm there, they are just grateful for the help. I also knew that it wouldn't really matter if I couldn't do it. I find pressure really hard to cope with. I have found that I feel a lot better about myself for doing it and I have been able to cope better than I expected. I was very anxious at first and I still feel anxious before I go back there but when I am there, I just get on with stuff, I don't feel anxiety like I did in my previous jobs, which were office jobs. Volunteering is the lowest pressure type of work you can do and you shouldn't have to answer any more than you are happy with about your anxiety problems.

02-04-10, 05:26
Hi guys. Think of it this way: there are not so many countries in the world that Do not recognise our illness as a serious reason not to work. So think of all those people who have to work with anx panic and depression because nobody else would put bread on their table. moreover work definately helps you to discipline yourself and your thinking and helps you to feel normal. Of course your doctor should allow you to work first.

02-04-10, 11:24
Thank u for all your replies. I think part time or temporary work is definatley a good idea the pressure of going back to full time work and having all the responsibilities that goes with it truly terrifies me. My GP did say he was going to refer me to someone who can give me help and advice about getting back into work if you have been out of work for a long time due to stress, depression and related problems. I haven't heard anything as yet but maybe this could be of some help.