View Full Version : period problem ladies

31-03-10, 17:57

having trouble with my periods at the moment I am spotting when ovulating sometime up to ten days. I have been coming on the 26 day instead on 32/34 days. i did a thread on this earlier in the month. anyway this month i ovulated for about five days no spotting brilliant i thought back to normal. today on my 20th day i have started to spot noticed when i wiped after a wee. So stressed out now think I have ovarine cancer. Did have something similar about 8 years ago and the gynogolagist put it down to hormones. Did not have a scan or anything. Im even to scared to go to doctors. just sitting in the waiting room makes me panic just to see the doctor!!!!!! anybody else had symtons like this at any time. I am not on the pill or medication. I am 43 years old.



02-04-10, 17:29
yes lorraine im also having an issue with periods at the moment same as you its our age and hormones im also 43 i also found the last time i had this the more stressed i got the worse the spotting got try not to worry im a right one to talk lol

03-04-10, 15:57
hi bronte

thanks for your reply. Yes my stress levels have been terrible all week i have stopped spotting now and my breasts are really tender almost bruised. My palpatations have been bad aswell. I think your right its all to do with hormones.

Thanks for taking the time to reply it has made me feel better.


03-04-10, 17:09
hi lorraine im glad your feeling better post me anytime us hormonal women have to stick together lol :D

04-04-10, 07:59
Hi Lorraine,

i had this problem last year, my spotting and then bleeding were lasting for months at a time, eventually went to see hospital consultant, after some tests, confirmed hormone problems,( im 42) recomended mirena coil, have had it now for 5 months, and things have greatly improved so far.
i think this is all par for the course in your 40's unfortunately, its only when you start to talk about it, you realise how many other women have had a similar experience.

P x

05-04-10, 00:00

I have this problem. I do have pcos so periods are all over the place

love mandie x

05-04-10, 00:11
Hi Lorraine

I think its just one of these things us women get as we get older (I'm 46) and had a horrendous period this week - sometimes wish the menopause would just come and get it over with!! Also have the same 'spotting' during ovulation but I just have to put it down to hormones and try not to stress about it too much - if only :) Take care - hope you are feeling better.


05-04-10, 10:55
So relieved to find this post, maybe we can all stick together. My anxiety has definitely got worse again recently and I'm sure so much is hormonal with things. I am 46 and had weird periods and symptoms for a few years now. This month I've had awful insomnia which I didnt know whether was hormones or just me and stress, today I am really dizzy again and dont know if its because I'm still on a period and it was quite heavy but it's finishing now so shouldnt be making me light headed. I HATE this. My dr wont do any blood tests to see if my hormones are changing. Some months I have really bad symptoms during the month, other times nothing and a really bad period with pain etc, other times both ! Sometimes palpitations - they were horrendous last month, pain during month .... it's just one thing after another. I am so sick of them .....
This morning here now tho just feeling so lightheaded and I hate it.

06-04-10, 12:19
I have started to lactate before because my hormones were all over the place because I was panicking. I then my panic got worse because I thought am I pregnant etc.
It does happen that hormones and periods go all over the place. Our panic upsets so much of our body, its amazing that we can function at all!