View Full Version : doctors make things worse for me.... heart worries altime

31-03-10, 18:19
hey all
Im soo fed up everythnks making my health anxiety worse been on beta blockers for a month now and they are helping to lower my heart rate but have been so scared that it will go to slow. saw my doctor today and he said that its fine to be 59bpm on them and that my blood pressure is fine but i need to stay on them as my heart was racing when i werent on them this has made me worry even more now do i have a problem with my heart ?he said becos im feeling lightheaded i can stop them or try taking half a tablet but if i get any palpatations on stopping them come and see him!? whats he mean by that ...could it not be anxiety puttin my heart rate up, ive only ever had 1 ecg and that was 2 yrs ago dnt really need another ecg do i? sorry for so many questions but im stressing out about my heart all the time is makin me soo sick!!if im not worried its racing im worrried its too slow what the hell is a matetr with me i check my pulse allday feel awful jus cannot stop checking it!!wish i hadnt of took the beta blockers now becos im not gna b able to get off them and either way im worried fast heart or slow doesnt matter just hope everythnk is ok and not my heart.just need to know im alright .just so worried theres somethink wrong with my heart my pulse has been 104 at highest that ive checked when ive been panicky ,and goes to 100 when i stand up without the tabs...and with the tabs its 80 when i stand ,when im resting on the tabs its 59/60s which i no is good just didnt wish i had to rely on tabs to control my heart rate so distressing .anybody in same situation? or had expereince like this ,thanks for listening means alot luv c.x:wacko:

31-03-10, 19:00
hey i am in exactly the same boat i check my pulse all the time and i get scared that it misses a beat or i worry when i move around that am goin to make it go high and have a hart attack the doctor offered me beta blockers but neva got back to him about it i have had ecg blood tests xray all come back fine i just cant seem to get over the fear of my hart i think if you had an ecg an it was okey they you shouldn worry about it easy to say i no or evin arrange to have another to put your mind at rest just remember you will be okey i still get to a point where i forget i am having a panic attack an think i am goin to die i think you just have to train your mind to believe that its all in your head

if you wanna talk am hear :P x

31-03-10, 19:29
jayr10 thanks so much for ur reply means alot nice of u to share ur experience with me too.im trying not to check my pulse and worry about it but as u say its so hard to stop and try and be postiitve!! the beta blockers do help slw your heart rate down which helps when u panic but it worries me too so not sure what to do about them thats why i am so confused.im 25 dnt drink or smoke so my heart shud stil;l b healthy frm when i last had the ecg i dnt think i wana put myself through having an ecg unless i really have to i just hope and pray im fine its so scarey all these worries u see i was fine for 5mnths while i was on prozac and then i had my 3rd child 9wks ago an bamm its bk so just got to try an tell myself im ok and will get through it thanks once again luv c.x also if u need me im always around

31-03-10, 19:37
yeh i understand that thats why i never got bak to the doctor about them it would scare me just to know i am taking somethink that is effecting my hart so i thought no way lol am only 23 myself dont smoke drink now and again if you have been thruoght it befor and have gotten better you just have to think that for me i still get unsure about my anxiety i have only had it 3 months and it hard to get out of my head that its in my mind.. i know what you mean about the ECG i nearly had a hart attack when i had one haha. same here if you need me am around p.m me or somethink x

31-03-10, 20:36
I was on Beta Blockers too and felt lightheaded so my doctor said to take half a day the half every 2 days and so on. He explained to me that I would probably feel palps upon stopping the beta blockers but he said it's nothing to worry about and if I was worried about them to come and see him. I think that's what your doctor meant.

Being HA we take things that doctors say very word for word and analyse how they say it too, A LOT! But that's just part of HA really. You've had an ECG and it came back normal, you should be reassured. If you feel as though having another one would put your mind at rest then maybe mention it to your doctor.

Beta blockers slowed my heart rate right down. Even when I went to the gym my heart would struggle to get to 110 when normally it would be right up at 170 with intense exercise, so don't worry that your heart is a little slow it's normal, just means the Beta blockers are doing their job! ;)

Hope you feel better soon! :)

31-03-10, 23:47
ella jayne thats a lovely reply thanks im so grateful for that uv worded what my doctor said properly ...i understand now what he meant thank u hugs,i dnt really wana another ecg becos all this analysing im doing is causing me more worry becos i go docs with anotha problem they see my heart racing or sumit then i think they thnk its sumit wrong an i freak out vicious circle!i just read someone put that if u dont take the beta blockers correctly they can cause u a heart attack?|! what the hell they on about....is that true or is it jus for people with heart trouble anyway really shudnt read things online i knw its evil!!my docs r really hopeless though becos they seem to worry me even more my other doctor dr allen is ace wish i cud of seen him he wud of explained it in a better way .so u reckon i shud stick with the half then? i hope it wnt race so much though cos itll frigthen me even more.are u still on ur beta blockers?which ones were u on? and did ur heart race after stopping them? thanks ever so much an best wishes to u xxx