View Full Version : My panics were cured

31-03-10, 21:57
I had severe panic attacks for years & years, finally ending with my heart feeling sloppy and visibly "lurching" . I was given beta blockers which made me worse. I'd tried acupuncture, tranquillisers, herbal, homeopathic, conventional medicine, Bach flower remedies......everything.

Then in 2001, I was abroad on holiday & yet another panic welled up in me but this time something inside me screamed STOP. I promised myself that when I got home I would see my GP yet again - but most importantly I would NOT stop seeking the root cause of these horrific feelings. I was sick to death of treating the symptoms.

What changed me, and 9 years on I'm still totally panic-free, is a series of (£30 per hour) visits to a Psychologist. He gently unrooted horrible hidden memories from my childhood. These horrible memories would push themselves through into my consciousness at odd times, thus causing my panic attacks. I did not believe him.

But once I had faced these - and they truly weren't that bad, although would have been when I was 3 yrs old - my panics literally dissappeared overnight.

I hope you all have the same success as I did - took about 6 weeks initially, then another couple of years for me to feel safe from the panics.

Good luck

31-03-10, 21:58
Hi mexx

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

01-04-10, 01:42
mexx, well done. Thank you for sharing a happy ending with us and good luck for the future

01-04-10, 01:59
wow Mexx, ****ing wow, that's excellent news. Good for you, you must feel ontop o the world right now huh, well atleast when they first went ay.+Clearer thinking.
I cant afford £30 per sesh, I have to get it free on nhs, after a waiting list ofcourse, but...I kinda knew childhood memories created this anxiety thing, and Im scared to think about those times again, too scarey!
Well ...Congratulations to you Mexx, you obviously had found a real psychologist, a professional as they say! :) :) :)