View Full Version : propranolol

31-03-10, 23:10
hi everyone, i am 24 years old and i am doing my last year at uni.

i was prescribed propranolol about 2 months after i had my first panic attack - to fix my adrenaline levels which would help with some of the symptoms i was having (throat tightness, racing heart, nausea, light headness, etc). does anybody else use propranolol? if so what is your dosage and what has it done for you? i have been taking 40mg 3 times a day for the past 6 weeks now.

i still feel quite panicy at times, and i am having different symptoms now that i am taking propranolol then i did before. this time my chest feels really tight, and sorry this might sound ridiculous but i feel like my hearts gonna stop.

anyone else had similar experiences with propranolol?

it is A MILLION TIMES better to speak about this with people who have been through the same, than most of the people around me,appreciate your help, wish you guys the best

01-04-10, 01:28
mert hello im currently taking a beta blocker for my panic attacks doc prescribed it for my heart racing and shaking get frm the anxiety and panic although iam on a different beta blocker to u i take bisprolol 2.5mg which is one that u take once aday instead of when u feel panicky etc but they all do the same job ,propanalol is a more common one and alot of people have had success on it incuding my dad,all they do is lower the heart rate by blocking adrenaline that causes some phyuscal symptpms of anxiety so like when i get panicky now i dnt feel my heart races which is odd but i still feel nervous its funny but they do work good for racing heart beats that is what they do so dnt b like me an keep checking ur pulse becos u will notice its slower but this is normal so not to worry i also feel like its not beating correctly an thats why i keep checking for pulse which is silly im never satisfied fast heart or slow heart eitherway im gna panick but they r good meds to take ive been on mine over a month and only problem is i feel a little lightheaded on them my docs have checked my bp and said its fine so its not the drop in blood pressure thats causing me to feel lightheaded becos thats another feature of a beta blocker they can be used to lower the blood pressure too smart little tablets eh...im sure u will b fine on these im taking them and they are helping me but im also taking prozac aswell been takin them only 9days so hopefully they will lessen the anxiety thats causes the panic.maybe u could get docs to prescribe some anti depressants if u feel u need more they can work.anyway sorry to rattle but i fought id let u knw my experience if u need to chat pm me best wishes c.xx

14-12-11, 19:32
did you get dizzy on you 40mg i've been prescribed it for once a day and i'm so scared to take it

14-12-11, 19:46
Katrine if you're that scared don't take them and go back to your Dr. Explaining your fear . . . If you're not careful you're just going make your self dizzy regardless :wacko:

You need to calm yourself down and take some deep breaths :yesyes:

Granny Primark
14-12-11, 20:04
Ive just given up on medication and doing all my best to cope without. I struggle some days but I know the reasons and that is cus I dont get the support from my family.
Ive got a hubby in a million and hes giving me all the support he can. Also ive got a very special friend from nmp that we chat to as many as 4 times and although weve never met shes like the sis ive always wanted.
Thank you celtic lass. Love you loads.
I still take my other medication but Ive found its physical support that helps more anything.

16-12-11, 16:54
Hi Mert, in response to your experience with propanolol mine has been similar. I've been taking it for about 4 weeks now and they have deffinatly stopped my heart racing, but I did still have feelings of panic. Like you said they felt different, like a tightness in the chest. I told my doc and now I'm taking prozac along with the propanolol and 3 weeks on I'm feeling alot better. Also, when I first starting taking the propanalol I did feel lke my heart felt funny, I don't know how to describe it!