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View Full Version : anxiety, depression

01-04-10, 00:58
New to this site find it really helpful so thanks first of all.... I'll be 40 in a couple of weeks but this problem for me started much earlier....The first time I felt something was wrong was in high school.... I was 17... I was an athlete and had a gift for baseball. I worked my ass off and was awarded a scholarship to the U.S.. I'm Canadian and in 1988 that was a huge deal.... Went to Louisiana for University... Three weeks before I was to leave I started having chest pains.... Weird.. At this point in my life I was the healthiest and definitely in shape... Go to hospital, they run tests nothing found ecg normal.. Load me up on ativan and send me home ..... My Mom and Dad where miffed.... meaning how can such a strong young boy be going through this kind of pain...... I was questioned by everybody... Dad, Mom, brother... that this is all in my head... I let it go to that..... Anyway big decision to leave Canada and go to the U.S. Thus a Panic / Anxiety attacks went on... Didn't know what was going on.... Made it through University until my baseball coaches father passed away... I was asked to speak at the funeral I did but , barely made it through it... Bang more panic/anxiety attacks lasted several months but could still deal with them... Was fortunate to play pro' ball five years... Three years in . Dad dies of a heart attack... I was there tried cpr.... too much damage... no revival... then anxiety reach a new point..... took me several years to get through that .... not months ... years...
probably 2.... Later I'm life I learned my Mom has been taking paxil for some many years.... doc thinks part of it is hereditary and some life experience ..... still on paxil today but just read an article about St. Johns
Wart ..... any feedback would be great .... Thanks... Greg...

01-04-10, 01:09
Hi badelliott

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

02-04-10, 00:58
Hi Greg
Glad to see some other Canucks on this site !
You've certainly been through some very traumatic events and my heart goes out to you and I really want to welcome you here to NMP !


02-04-10, 05:34
Greg you will find some lovely people to share with on this site. Everybody here have similar issues.