View Full Version : struggling help me palpatations wnt stop

01-04-10, 05:51
Been awake since 2 with bad palpatations I took my beta blocker today what's a matter with me help I'm going nuts what should I do ?

01-04-10, 08:56
it'll be alright. You will get through it!!! Try and focus on something else, paint,draw,write,read! This too will pass :)

01-04-10, 09:12
tell yourself the palpitations are normal and nothing to worry about
trick your brain into being like 'ah theres nothing wrong :)'

Like Petegms said- try reading thats always good. =)

when i get palpitations, i tend to stay away from stimulating things like my laptop and TV.

Take care and i hope you feel better soon

03-04-10, 02:48
What beta blocker are you on?
I have palpitations - I am on metoprolol ER 50 mg every evening. I have a lot of trouble with palpitations. When I have them, I try to distract myself. Watch tv, read, do crossword puzzles, anything that will help me not to think about them.

03-04-10, 16:17
Stay off the laptop. I have been fine all day...here I am on the LT and they are going crazy. I am sure sometimes it is positional as much as anything.

Try drinking some ice cold water, or splash your face with cold water

03-04-10, 17:06
wireless connections can contribute to palps .....i was shocked when i found this out xxxx