View Full Version : How long do you need to be stress free before symptoms go away?

01-04-10, 09:54
Hi everyone. I have had a rough few months. During this very stressfull time I started getting problems that I have now begun to accept are anxiety for the first time. I have had buzzing in my leg which has no passed thank god and I have also been getting burning sensations and tingels sometimes my face or other times my feet. I have noticed this gets worse when I become paniced or stressed. I have now started to calm down and am feeling more positive however the symptoms still seem to come and go a little. How long do you usually need to be stress free before your nerves really start to calm down? Is it just one day at a time?

01-04-10, 13:58
Alan it takes a while to get bad and maybe even longer to get back on track ..No time limits ,,IT is as you say one day at a time .Gradually the bad days become less and the good ones take over .The more notice you pay to the symptoms just adds to the time it takes ..In the future knowing what is an acceptable level of stress ,and what isnt ,will benefit you greatly .Maybe reading some stress management books would be a help with this ...I hope you feel better soon Take care and look after yourself .Sue x

01-04-10, 21:52
To back up what Sue said, there is no timescale for recovery. It depends on a thousand factors: your strength of character, what caused you to become ill, what negative memories/experiences/associations you built up during your illness and so on.

The supposedly "normal" procedure for coming off antidepressants is to wait until you have been symptom-free for at least six months before slowly reducing the dose to nothing over a period of months. In reality, some people won't even need medication to get better, in other cases people might need to be on it for years.

01-04-10, 23:30
Hi Sue and psychopet thanks for your replies really appreciate it. I never thought my anxiety would be able to surface in such a physical way but like I said its been a rough few months, hopefully i'm over the worst of it now. felt really good today, didn't dwell on my symptoms and got on with things Hopefully I can keep on doing it one day at a time and get back to normal (forgotten what that is at this stage)

Thanks again really helps to talk to people you feel really understand.

02-04-10, 00:22
Yeah I've been dealing with it for 3 months now and I'm slowly starting to feel somewhat better. The more you concentrate on it and ask yourself "how am i feeling now" and keep checking yourself the more worse it gets. Just try to occupy yourself with something busy and it will all get better in time

02-04-10, 15:53
Hi yeah I think you are right sometimes easier said than done tho. Got into bed last night and everything started flaring up I ended having a small panic attack that set me back a bit but I am getting on with things again today feeling better this afternoon. Thanks for your reply hope you feel better soon too.