View Full Version : Hormonal imbalance-Just how bad can it make you feel?

Onwards & Upwards
01-04-10, 10:51

I feel I may be stating the obvious here and possibly even know the answer already but just how crap can a hormonal imbalance make you feel???

I really think I have a hormonal imbalance because of various symptoms, I reckon it's probably PCOS. Seeing GP about it next week (Easter gets in the way!)

I'm guessing a hormonal imbalance can be one of the worst things, no? I imagine it upsets just about every system in your body?

Just seeking some agreement I suppose!?!?

01-04-10, 14:04
Hi, well this is my key worry of the moment because my latest reoccurrence of all my anxiety (and new symptom of total insomnia) came when I am starting to think I am having menopausal symptoms. I have every one of the classic 35 symptoms !?!?!? but of course lots of those are also anxiety ! but mine have got so much worse lately and I have been back and back to the Dr asking could this all be hormone related and never get any concrete answers. Neither Dr will do a blood test. If I could have a blood test that said my hormones were changing I would probably calm down about all what is going on with me, as it is because I don tknow IF it is hormonal, I worry about what else it might be !!
Not sure if this answers or helps you !

01-04-10, 14:42
Im sure hormaones have played a massive role in my recent relapse. I came off the contraceptive pill and became extremly tense and anxious despite there not being any triggers for this. It was my husband who reminded me that i felt bad when i previously stopped taking the pill. I read that it was due to hormone withdrawel and related to the synthetic hormornes my body was no longer getting from the pill. My dr confirmed that stopping the pill could have contributed to intense anxiety feelings. About 4 weeks later i am starting to feel less tense and anxious (could be related to my body returning to its normal cycle?), however i have definatly relapsed unfortunatly.
I have always believed that my hormones have contributed to how i have felt in relation to anxiety. Hope this helps x

Onwards & Upwards
01-04-10, 16:41

because I don tknow IF it is hormonal, I worry about what else it might be !!

That's exactly what's been going on with me, I was told by a doctor a few weeks ago that my "spaced out" feelings were down to anxiety (I never actually mentioned a possible hormone problem at the time) but I believe my hormones have been screwed up for quite some time and have CAUSED my anxiety because I don't wanna be feeling like this, I want to feel great and I look forward to feeling better.

I think that the doc saw me as an anxious "type", but I'm not in general, I've kinda just hit a bloody awful bad patch and have kind of been stewing in it for months partly because no one suggested it might be my hormones and partly because it's just kinda hard to tell whether it is your hormones causing all these terrible feelings. Why don't docs check peoples hormones more readily? I've had to put 2 and 2 together myself.

As for the docs not giving you a blood test to check your hormones, that really isn't on!

I don't know what you've said to them already but maybe just be really to the point and specifically say that you would like a blood test to check your hormones as you have all of the symptoms. Plus hormones are pretty damn important! They shouldn't just cast the possability aside!

Have a look here for info on hormones and there's advice on supplements to help with treating the root cause rather than just treating the symptoms with drugs from the doctor: http://www.marilynglenville.com/general/index.htm

I absolutely identify with what you say about not knowing whether it's your hormones causing these feelings or not and I think, like me, you have been left to stew in these nasty feelings and that does an awful lot of damage, mentally. You need an answer to your hormonal question because not knowing makes things ten times worse!

Onwards & Upwards
01-04-10, 16:45
Im sure hormaones have played a massive role in my recent relapse. I came off the contraceptive pill and became extremly tense and anxious despite there not being any triggers for this. It was my husband who reminded me that i felt bad when i previously stopped taking the pill. I read that it was due to hormone withdrawel and related to the synthetic hormornes my body was no longer getting from the pill. My dr confirmed that stopping the pill could have contributed to intense anxiety feelings. About 4 weeks later i am starting to feel less tense and anxious (could be related to my body returning to its normal cycle?), however i have definatly relapsed unfortunatly.
I have always believed that my hormones have contributed to how i have felt in relation to anxiety. Hope this helps x


Good that your husband pointed that out for you because it can be pretty hard to know your own mind when your hormones are mixed up!

I can't help feeling that hormones are overlooked and that doctors are far too quick to just bung everyone into the "anxious" category instead of finding out whether there's a hormonal imbalance causing those feelings.

01-04-10, 17:05

That's exactly what's been going on with me, I was told by a doctor a few weeks ago that my "spaced out" feelings were down to anxiety (I never actually mentioned a possible hormone problem at the time) but I believe my hormones have been screwed up for quite some time and have CAUSED my anxiety because I don't wanna be feeling like this, I want to feel great and I look forward to feeling better.

I think that the doc saw me as an anxious "type", but I'm not in general, I've kinda just hit a bloody awful bad patch and have kind of been stewing in it for months partly because no one suggested it might be my hormones and partly because it's just kinda hard to tell whether it is your hormones causing all these terrible feelings. Why don't docs check peoples hormones more readily? I've had to put 2 and 2 together myself.

As for the docs not giving you a blood test to check your hormones, that really isn't on!

I don't know what you've said to them already but maybe just be really to the point and specifically say that you would like a blood test to check your hormones as you have all of the symptoms. Plus hormones are pretty damn important! They shouldn't just cast the possability aside!

Have a look here for info on hormones and there's advice on supplements to help with treating the root cause rather than just treating the symptoms with drugs from the doctor: http://www.marilynglenville.com/general/index.htm

I absolutely identify with what you say about not knowing whether it's your hormones causing these feelings or not and I think, like me, you have been left to stew in these nasty feelings and that does an awful lot of damage, mentally. You need an answer to your hormonal question because not knowing makes things ten times worse!

I did try the home menopause test twice but both times the second test didnt work properly - but in both cases the first one was positive so in my own mind I am fairly sure it IS hormones but would like some proof, but they just ignore me..... :(

04-04-10, 22:24
[QUOTE=alisons1043;628740]:unsure:Its so confusing. Anxiety attacks for no apparant reason, sat at home fully relaxed, fine one minute and full blown attack the next!!! Some days so bad the symptoms last all day, tourture. But then I wake the next morning and nothing at all, not even a lone palpertation!!I have been keeping a diary of my anxiety journey and symptoms for the last couple of months and am almost 100% sure that my hormones are to blame for the bad days and doomy thoughts im getting, as they always seem to fall mid cycle and the week before/after a period. I mentioned this to the doctor and even took the diary with me. I was very upset by the reaction I got, that it is nothing to do with a hormonal imbalance, here have another prescription for prozac!!!! She didnt even ask to see the diary!!! The more I research this the more convinced I am, Eastrogen dominance is the cause of the anxiety!!! That mixed with my overactive mind is a nightmare!!! Does anyone else have any experience of hormonal related anxiety and if so have you had any luck with getting doctors to believe it and possibly refer you on to somebody that can actually help??:weep:

Onwards & Upwards
06-04-10, 10:40

10-08-10, 08:12
I 100% believe that hormones are a contributing factor to anxiety, strange thoughts, tiredness and generally feeling unwell. Mine started 2 years ago(I'm 41 now). Doctor's very keen to throw anti-depressants down my throat which I declined. At times I wondered if I'd made the right decision as things were so bad. But after a while I started noticing a pattern. Some months these feelings would be mostly before my period was due but some months it's almost every day. I feel shaky and not right and away with the fairies, at times a very scary feeling. Other months I can be fine and feel great. Blood tests showed no ovulation which the Dr confirmed could caused my worse times. Am currently being referred for test for Polycystic Ovaries, so we'll see what that shows!! I have also been self treating myself saying that nothing will happen to me and at times force myself to do things that I really don't want to do. I would love to feel the way I used to and not be afraid of things that I used to take for granted. Fingers crossed that we all get the help we need to feel like us again:yesyes:

02-09-10, 10:52
I'm really glad that I came across this thread. I've had a suspicion for the past couple of years that my hormones certainly aren't helping how I feel. When I first broached the subject with my GP, she felt I was too young to be experiencing menopausal symptoms . However,having gone back to see her again she is now beginning to think that I may be having an early menopause and would possibly be a candidate for HRT.(I'm still a bit unsure about going on this, so I'd need to do a bit of research here and my GP would need to do blood tests also). I have many of the symptoms on the list of the 34 Menopausal Symptoms including brain fog, sore joints, anxiety, feelings of doom, feeling low etc.. One minute I can be feeling fine, the next minute I can feel teary and then it passes as quick as it arrived. No rhyme or reason as to why I feel this way. I've started another thread a few days back asking if anyone feels worse when their period is due, because I have been bad this month especially.

I'm really glad that I'm not alone. My hubby and I have talked about this a lot recently and he is also pretty sure that it's my hormones to blame!!