View Full Version : Anxiety Pain

01-04-10, 11:08
Has anyone experience pain in legs, knees, arms, elbows, back, shoulders and stiffness around the butt cheeks and thighs when walking which has been caused by anxiety, stress or depression? These are my latest symptons which everyone keeps claiming are down to my anxious state, though mentally I seem calmer on the outside, since being on the citalopram and increasing the dose from 10 to 20mg on Monday, though my mind is still racing with thoughts that I have the dreaded C.

My latest google search has gone to Chondrosarcoma! I feel absolutely mad and feel that I am loosing it!!!!!!!

01-04-10, 13:23
Arghhh! DO NOT GOOGLE!!!!!!
Aches and pains are part and parcel of anxiety because without knowing it you are tensed up. PLus you are tuned into every ache in your body that someone without HA wouldn't be aware of. Sometimes I think I am not anxious but I am really. xx

01-04-10, 14:16
I am guilty of googling everything and then feeling 10 times worse ..... I cant stop myself doing it tho.

01-04-10, 14:55
Thanks for the messages. I know I have got to stop looking on the internet at health issues as I convince myself of a new cancer or medical problem each time.

I`ve never experienced this HA before and to be honest, if this is what I have and not an illness, it`s destroying me, really is. I`m looking in the mirror, showing my arms and legs to people asking if they can see my bones and notice the weight I have lost and everyone is saying its in my head and that because I have never bothered to examine myself before I have probably have never noticed before. It`s sounds crazy I know.

01-04-10, 15:23
Amieekid, exactly the same here, everyone is saying that I look ok in my face and that my eyes are clear. I`ve spoken with the cancer line today about Chondrosarcoma and mentioned the all over pain im getting. The lady said you have not got that then as this only effects one part of your body and will only spread locally. I also mentioned my concern of lung cancer now that maybe has spread to the bones and she said if you had that the chances are that I would be in quite a bad way now and not be mobile, as I first became ill at Xmas. She also mentioned that I would not be able to walk for long periods which I do. I never thought of that. Its strange that you can always see the logic in someone elses problems / symptoms apart from your own but I suppose that is due to the fact that you do not feel the other persons pain that they are experiencing.

01-04-10, 15:23
Also, you hit the nail on the head; needing constant reassurance.

01-04-10, 16:07
Strange, I am sitting here at work looking at the veins popping out of my hand thinking bloody hell, these shouldnt be like that. I also noted that I can see my pulse if I turn my hand over.

Yeah, I am mobile though feel stiffy more than I did though my appetite has not been good for 6 - 7 weeks. I can eat, but smaller amounts and do not crave food like I did prior to feeling so ill. I keep thinking back and can recall waking with backache a few times in the summer and feeling stiffness in my legs just before Xmas and keep wondering whether or not I have had something for an age that is slow growing and had just started to spread. I have never experienced HA before, but got it when I went to th dr`s 1st week of Jan complaining of back pain and I had blood - not visible to the eye in my urine. After speaking to someone I just thought Cancer, either kidney or bladder. This was rubbished by my GP and a private Dr, though I have since learned that kidney fuction blood tests can be normal if you have kidney cancer, the same as liver function tests. I am now thinking that the blood tests that i have had - Full blood count, liver, kidney & prostrate, which all were negative do not mean that i am totally in the clear. My Dr is due to call me this afternoon for a phone consultation, I feel so stupid though very worried that I do have something.