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View Full Version : Hard Abdomen

01-04-10, 11:48
Hi everyone,

I'm new to the forums & wanted to ask about some symptoms I'm having as they have been freaking me out :(

A few weeks ago I started taking the contraceptive pill, it was the first time I took this. Within a few days of starting it I became very constipated (I occasionally get constipated during early on in my period, although it usually creates no problems) to the point where I had not been to the loo for 3-4 days and was given suppositries to get me moving again. During this time (along with generally feeling bad, nauseated and run down) I could feel a hard lump in my lower abdomen, below my belly button, usually on the left side. It seemed to come and go and was not painful so I chalked it up to constipation.

I went back to my GP who said she doesn't think this is related to the pill at all. I spoke to a pharmacist also who said it was and so I stopped taking it a week ago now. Most of my symptoms have cleared up but occasionally I feel a but of a bump on my left abdo....although again it comes and goes. My GP did not seem convinced it existed when she examined me. In saying that she told me she was going to refer me to gynocology and gastroenterology for review.

I am worried sick to be honest. I've never had anything like this before and it is scaring me, all I can think is that a lump in my abdomen cannot be good news :( I've taken a pregnancy test to rule out that possibility - it's negative.

Could pill hormones have caused inflammation? I am worried something sinister is going on and waiting for my referral to come through is just adding to my anxiety.

I'm sure I sound like a loon but any insight anyone can give me would be appreciated. Thanks.


01-04-10, 13:13
I t doesnt sound at all likely the lump you felt is sinister .Constipation seems the more likely cause .All the bloating and sick feeling would be down to this to.Also maybe a bit of water retention ,due to the monthlys .Lumps do not come and go unless cause by constipation .The pill can cause side effects for some ,but usually they settle with time .I really wouldnt worry about the referrals .They do this to eliminate ,more often than not .Its also causing you to be overly anxious and this will not help ,it does affect the digestive tract Maybe you had a bout of IBS ,This is usually diagnosed when other things have been ruled out .I was given tabs for my monthlys once and they caused me to have a bad bout of IBS TOO ...You are not taking the pill now so any effects will soon be out of your system .The Dr will probably perscribe you a different one ,or offer you something like the Mirena coil .I think if you had inflammation you would also be in PAIN .I hope this has helped to put you at ease a little / All the best Sue x