View Full Version : All my friends please read.

01-04-10, 12:26
I had a bad day yesterday and today is not much better, im having a hard time with my meds right now and trying to find myself again, like i'm lost. I just get so confused and frightened sometimes. Not being sure of who you are sometimes is a hard thing to cope with. What i really dont need right now is anyone on here suggesting i'm being sectioned!!! I am not!!!!!!!!! So if you are my friends please dont think or suggest that please! I am spending time by myself through choice the past couple of days, i know it's not good but i need to find out whats wrong in my own head and it's really hard sometimes. Somedays are just a battle to get through as most of you know. When i get bad like this i just go off by myself it's how i cope with it.
Most of you i know on here and in the chatroom and on my fb page are the only friends i have in the world, please do not think bad things of me!!! Please.......Believe me there is nothing i would like more than a laugh and a joke with you right now, but i'm just not in it at the minute, not good company.
Take care Wayne.

01-04-10, 13:27
Hi Wayne,

Well, its the first time I've heard anyone mention that you are to be sectioned!! Sometimes people get a snippet of a story and make the rest up themselves for added excitement. Pretty sad really. We know whats going on hun, and thats all that matters. If others want to partake in idle gossip, it rather says more about them than you.

I too used to hide myself away if I was feeling rough. I also thought it was the best thing to do. It turns out it wasn't, (yes, I do get it wrong at times!!) now I force myself to do things I would have run away from - like the chat room for instance. Look at how I was the other week, not very good company at all but the way I see it now, is that I offer support all the time so sometimes I might need some support too. It did take me a long time to realise that seeking help does actually work and on the whole, people are more than happy to provide that.

What I'm saying is I guess is, try not to hide yourself away and we are here to help and support you in any way we can.

Hope you feel better soon lovely :hugs:

Sue xxx

01-04-10, 15:50
Ello poppet!!

Right where's me naughty Whip?.....
Hun i never heard anyone say anything about you.
Please don't let stuff like that worry you and if you can cope better with spending some time on your own then there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.

You know where i am if you even need an ear!!

Love Lisa

01-04-10, 16:09
I, too, hide away when I am feeling bad. But unlike you, I am not honest enough to talk about it. I hope things improve for you. Baggs.

01-04-10, 16:25
why worry what people say sectioned or on the moon cant hurt you its only words
when these people pay your rent then worry till then cherr up mate pop in have a laugh

01-04-10, 16:27
not heard any1 mention that wayne , hope you feel bit better soon

01-04-10, 17:50
Hi Red

I asked where you were last night on chat and was told that you were in hospital, I don't think there was any malice in it and I'm sorry that the wrong information was passed on.

No one has said anything negative bout you though that is really important to add, Missing you and hope you are back on track soon ...take really good care of yourself x

01-04-10, 21:42
Being in the middle of a downer is like an aeroplane flying through a storm. It might be frightening and disorientating, but you're not lost. You just can't see where you're going for the moment.

01-04-10, 21:59
ok I was in chat when it was said but nothing bad was said about you and I'll be having words with the person who said it. Wayne you take all the time you need, you need to do whats best for you and we're here for you when you need us.
Take care wayne hope things get better for you soon.

01-04-10, 22:32
The only reason the comment has hurt is because sometimes i think im going to end up in the mental hospital fulltime anyway, yes i go there once a week but i dont live there, and have not been sectioned but yes im afraid of that!!!!, for my family as well as myself!!! so someone saying in chat last night that i was in there was hurtfull!!!
I'm not quite that bad yet!!!.
All i ask is whoever said it please dont say things like that again,,,it's hurtfull!

01-04-10, 23:48
All your true friends know whats happening Wayne so dont you worry yourself over what some lowlife types in the room.

We have all had the same fear as you at some point that we are going to totally lose the plot. Be assured though, if you were about to lose it, you'd neither know or care. By the very fact that its a worry is evidence that you are in FULL control of your emotions and you will not lose control.

We are here for you lovely :hugs:

Sue xxxx

02-04-10, 09:25
hi wayne
only just saw your thread...
please dont listen to those people that have nothing better to do than hurt others...
i know thats easy to say...but you are a lovely person.
you WILL get through this ...and the most important thing is we have all been there so we do understand.you have many friends here.
sending you some :hugs::hugs::hugs:

02-04-10, 11:21
hiya hunny io ften think about you ina good way yr a tpo dude always been there for me please try nt to let it get to you hunny yr stroger then that and yr well loved on here you do whats best for you hunny and if that means time away you go for it but we will all be here when you need us day or night

hugggesl hunny xxxxxxxxxxxx

02-04-10, 14:33
Hi Wayne,

I dont really use the chat room cos to be honest cant keep up with it and would prefer just to post on here....but have read your thread and just wanted to send you a big hug:hugs:I think you are a lovely person and you have certainly helped me along the way...all I would say is that its obvious that alot of people on here care about you and I am one of them so dont let those negative people get you down!! Some people are such low lifes and just dont think before hurting others...please ignore them and concentrate on those who care about you.

Take care and I really hope you feel better real soon.

02-04-10, 15:34
Wanyne my friend, my great life line. Please dont feel bad. Im always here if you need to chat and you can always pm me.:hugs::hugs:

02-04-10, 16:15
hi wayne dont be sad ..sometimes when we feel low the smallest word can seem hurtfull dont go in chat room ,.but hope you feel ok soon big hugs:hugs:

02-04-10, 22:16
Hi Wayne.I agree with gypsy,don't go into chat for awhile,I stopped because of some people weretaking the piss out on me and some on chat are not fair dinkum,I took it all to heart and asked to have myself deleted from the site,but a lovely person or I should say 2 people told me stay and just go into the forum,which I am enjoying.I to hide myself away on days when I am feeling bad.So wayne stay positive and Take care....
Happy Easter........Rhonda xx:)

02-04-10, 22:31
Wayne me little pea pod.....

Trick is, unless you hear it with your own lugs or see it with your own peepers then take it with a pinch of salt. Your true mates know the real truth and that is all that matters.

Take no notice of hear-say, or he said she said he said stuff because at the end of the day YOU know the truth and so do we.

Love and huggle matey


03-04-10, 00:56
I hope things start to improve for you soon Wayne :hugs:

03-04-10, 13:38
Hi Wayne. Blinkin eck matey, I go away n it all kicks off! Believe it or not I did think about you all while I was sunning myself and I am really disappointed to hear you have been upset by somebody. Who do I need to wallop? I have had loads said to me by inlaws while I felt poorly that has torn me apart. I look back now and realise if I wasn't feeling so low at the time I would have handled things 'differently' though that doesn't excuse ignorance and shear thoughtlessness. Some people have no idea how to treat people with care and consideration but those people are the minority. I and I am sure others on here have respect for everything that you are about, everything you say and everything you think and feel. Remember that and treat stupid comments by ignoramuses with the contempt they deserve. They really are not worthy of your valuable time my friend! You seem such a lovely person and I hope you can be lifted by what I say because I never say anything I don't genuinely believe! Gosh I hate idle gossipers don't you? Idiots!