View Full Version : Feeling anxious & low - ??menopause

01-04-10, 12:39

Just wondering if I could get some advice from ladies out there who may be experiencing similar symptoms to mine.

Had my first ever panic attack almost 2 years ago now. Take 40mg Propanalol twice a day & it has helped me a lot. I just try to take things as they come, one step at a time.

Over the last few months in particular, I've been having really bad night time sweats, feeling boiling hot in my bed, then sometimes really cold. It's weird. I've also had a couple of bad nightmares where I've really screamed out loud in my sleep and scared the hell out of my husband!! I also get what I think may be 'hot flushes' during the day. I get this hot feeling creep right up the back of my neck and my face feels hot too. I also can feel a bit anxious. Adding to this, my mood can sometimes be quite low to the point where I've started to think, could it be depression? Don't get me wrong, I don't feel like this all of the time, but I am experiencing mood swings (feeling teary, uptight), which get worse as I get closer to my period. Usually, when my period comes, I feel better - more human again- for about a week or so, then it starts to build up on me again. My menstrual cycle has been changing over the last 2 and a half years since I turned 40. I get some months when my period lasts 2 days but there was one month when it lasted almost 8 days. I also get terrible sore breasts most months too. The joys of being a woman!

If there's anyone out there who can help me make some sense of this, I'd be really grateful. at my last annual health check back last summer, I did ask my GP if I could be entering the menopause (due to the changes in my cycle) but she thought I was a bit young as I was only 41 then.



01-04-10, 15:52
:welcome:Dear Baggie not sure if I have seen any of your posts before. I'm sorry that you are experiencing these symptoms which sound very much like the menopause. I'm forty eight but I have not experienced these symptoms yet. Your GP can refer you for a simple blood test which will determine hormone levels and whether you are in perimenopause or not. There are remedies that you can take to alleviate the symptoms but it would be best to chat through options with your GP first.

01-04-10, 18:10
Hi Baggie

Yes I can relate to your symptoms, I too get very vivid dreams and I wake up saturated in sweat, I have a bath go to bed and then wonder why I bothered in the morning. I become very emotional nearing my girlie moments ... I have gone a couple of months without a girlie moment but when they do come they are truly bad news.. apparently they are called ghost or phantom and it is when you are premenopausal, I'm heading for 45 so it is highly likely to be that with me... you best see a doctor apparently they are thinking of fitting a coil called Marina which has meant that hysteretomies oh you know what I mean... are virtually non existent and medics are growing concerned that what used to be an everyday op is something that is no longer being widely practiced.

Hope you get it sorted.. my doctor sending me for a scan before they make their final decision just to be on the safe side x

01-04-10, 18:28
Dear Sharon. I had several mirena coils and although they worked up to a point eventually I was back where I started ie excessive heavy bleeding clots and severe pain. I did opt for a hysterectomy at forty five and although my symptoms were severe it was the best thing for me in the circumstances and I haven't looked back. I came to the point where I was using tampons and a towel every month had flooding episodes and severe pain and vomiting wasin bed for several days each month. I went through all types of pain relief but this was severely restricted because I take lithium. The coil delayed the inevitable for me which was to have a hysterectomy.

01-04-10, 20:52
Oh God Elizabeth Jane, think I'd rather just get it over and done with then... to be honest, I've always had problems but to think of another few years of this is too much .... thank you for your advice.. at least I will know where I will be if I did have the op.. will speak to doctor again x

01-04-10, 21:26
My surgery was elective I had had enough. When the surgeon started the op he found masses of adhesions so that probably contributed to my chronic pain. Having a hysterectomy is still regarded as major surgery with many risks associated with it. I suggest you get a second opinion before entering into any decision about surgery.

01-04-10, 21:32
Hi hun :D:hugs:

Ohh what us women have to go through :hugs:

I am going through the same thing as YOU at the mo, For me, symptoms change from month to month. I get a period every 21 days a few days clear of symptoms, then it starts all over again.

I have missed a few periods too. I do feel that I am pr menapause, so unless I get really bad I am going to try and ride things out.

I have felt, like you, sooooo dam low, BUT, it always passed. My boobs have been soooooo sore, I can't even have a hug :lac:

Mood swings, YES.
A little on edge YES.

I do feel a little lucky at the mo my night sweats only lasted about 2 weeks and it stopped Mmm very strage.

I can have nightmares and vived dreams.

You symptoms sound like pr menapause, if you are concernd hunny, please go and have a chat with your gp.

As I said. I deal with mine the best way I know how,its NOT nice to go throught, but It always goes away after time, but if it got really really bad, I would go see my gp, but feel, FOR ME, I will just ride it out and see how it goes.

Hope this has been of some help, even if its just knowing, YOUR NOT alone hun :hugs: I'm coming back as a man next time round:roflmao:



02-04-10, 11:40
Hi Ladies

Thanks so much for your replies. Much appreciated!

Jill, just had to say an extra thank you - your quote about coming back as a man really made me laugh!! :D Also, it's good (although I wouldn't wish how I feel at times on anyone) to know that someone understands what it can be like.

My Mum had a terrible menopause, coupled with the fact that she can have a difficult temperament anyway. Her moods were SOOO bad that I ended up leaving home because of them. My brother was at uni at the time, so luckily he managed to escape the brunt. She ended up taking HRT, but I really don't want to do that because of the risks involved. I'm a different nature to my Mum so I hope that as I go through the menopause in the future that I won't be as bad... God, I wouldn't wish that on my own kids!!

I will probably speak to my GP about this the next time I'm in to see what she thinks.


Baggie x

03-04-10, 10:33
Hello There,

i totally sympathise with you, espesh about coming back as man hahaha.

i am 43 and my mum went through the menopause at 42 so i am constantly worried at that time of the month, i take evening primrose oil and vitamin B in the vain hope it will help!!!
i got my doc to check my hormone levels e.t.c and all was ok i suppose it's just trying to manage how you feel, but at the same time do we have any control over the minefield that is the female reproductive system hahaha

hope your ok

hugs Ali xxx

03-04-10, 11:18
Hi Ali

Thanks for your reply. Your mum was quite young when she went through the menopause. My own mum must have been about 44/45.

I'll ask my GP about the B vitamins. I cannot take Evening Primrose Oil unfortunately as I have epilepsy and it can affect this, so I stay away from it to be on the safe side!! It's a pity because a lot of women do say that it really helps.

Take care,

Baggie x :D

03-04-10, 20:15
Hi Baggie :D:hugs:

I do know what you mean about HRT both my sisters have been through menapause, they both went through it, Mmm ok. Both decided to ride it out rather than go on HRT because of the side effects that was written and also my sis said ( not sure how true this is ) but she said, taking HRT can prolong the menapause. So, unless I get really really bad, think I would just ride it through.

I was talking to sis about her symptoms she got with menapuse, do you know what, some of them are known anxiety symptoms (she does not suffer anxiety ) which I thought was strange. They never bothered her much, she has come through it now and feels good. Ohh can't wait LOL

My mum is 75 and say's, "ohh I sailed through menapause", my sis laughs at her and says "you NEVER DID, " she can rememebers mum getting really angry at dad, ohhh boy, sooo angry ( will not into to much detail ) but I remember this too.

YOU ARE SOOOOO right hun, YOUR NOT your mum, you are sooo different. I know it can be hard but always rememeber no matter what the symptom, it WILL PASS, and please hun, try and rememeber symptoms CAN change from month to month.

I can feel snappy sometimes, BUT, know how to deal with this and I deal with it sooo well.

Let us know how you get on if you talk to your gp.

My daughter has a T-shirt and it has this written on it, thought I would share it with you ....

MENtal Aanxiety
MENtal Breakdown
MENstral Cramps

Did you ever notice
how all of our problems
begin with MEN?

Sorry all you men out there :blush: but I think my daughters T-shirt is soooooo funny LOL :roflmao::roflmao::roflmao::roflmao::roflmao: