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View Full Version : Horrible rash on arm, worried as to what it is

01-04-10, 13:07
I started with a rash all down the top of my arm about 4 days ago. It started as loads of small spots (some had some clear fluid in them) and it was really itchy. By the next day the itching had stopped and the spots had started to flatten and join together. Since yesterday it's been on big bright red patch that is slightly swollen, hot and really sore to the touch. This morning it's still sore but is now bright red but on top of it is really dry.

I've got long arms and the rash starts at the elbow and goes all the way down to my wrist. It's really embarrassing but because I can't get an appointment at my Dr's as they are closed for 4 days for easter Mum says I should pop into town with her tomorrow and show a pharmacist.

I'm just to embarrassed to do this but it does need something, some cream I think but not sure which is best. I had a rash similar to this last year which my Dr thinks is eczema bought on by stress but it was nowhere near as bad. She gave me hydrocotizone cream but I'm not sure if to just buy some more or not because as I say it's worse than last time and sore.

I am really anxious at the moment so that could have flared it up, I am also testing a body serum for a well known chemist and it came up about a week after using that (but only on the one arm) so I suppose it could be contact dermatitis but I don't think so. I have taken a pic of it but I think it's too gross to show on here lol.

01-04-10, 13:13
it could be a bad allergic reaction or an infection of the skin so it would be sensible to show it to a pharmacist - you can ask to see them in a private room even asda has private rooms for consultations so you aren't flashing your arms about in public. nothing you can show them will embarrass them just like a Dr they have seen everything you can think of and worse.
If the pharmacist thought it was anything serious and they are very well trained they could point you in the right direction for treatment to say out of hours Dr or if they know what it is they will know what creams you can have without prescription.

Most of all don't be embarrased at showing anything to a health professional. My worst was an abcess inside my vagina that I had to show to a male Dr twice! i survived and have seen him since. I have a GP friend who says they switch off when it comes to naked bodies and its just a job so remember that.

Good luck

01-04-10, 13:57
Thanks countrygirl, I know you are right. I will pluck up the courage and show someone when I go in town tomorrow. Hopefully it's something that will clear up with some cream