View Full Version : having a bad heart day, can anyone help?

01-04-10, 14:34
I will try and keep this short and sweet! I have recently relapsed with my health anxiety. Although i have always worried about my heart normally i can keep calm and not worry but since my relapse am so anxious about it.

I went to the doctors for the first time admitting i was worried i had an irregular heartbeat and gave the doctor the reasons why i thought this. The dr was lovely, she checked my pulse and listened to my heart. She said my pulse was regular and that she couldnt hear any murmers and that it sounded like it was structually fine. So this reassured me for a week or so, but now im starting to think shouldnt i have a ecg just to prove this?

My rational side knows that this would only reasure me for a few weeks and then i would want some other test im sure.

My problem to today is that last night when one of my kids woke up in the night i noticed my heart felt strange. Its really hard to describe but it felt like a long beat with like a rush feeling (almost like you get when you have a temperature, like an inside shiver) but could only feel that senastion in my heart. Also when i got up i was a little anxious about this and when i felt my heart beating by puttung my hand on my chest under my left breast it felt like my heart was beating fast for say 10 beats and then slowing right down and then speeding up again. I know that breathing in and out increases and decreases your heart rate but does it do it this dramatic?

I have made another appointment at drs but cant be seen for a week. I really feel like this is getting on top of me now and am feeling tearful as i keep thinking i dont want to live my life with this anymore. Its just such a cruel illness.

Sorry this ended up being a long post! Any advice would be much appreciated. Thanks x

01-04-10, 14:59
Hi Mary,
You know what there must be something in the air as I had a really bad night last too for the missing then thudding heart! Have you read the sections on here about ectopic hear beats and the explanations and why its ok? I would suggest that if you are still really worried after reading that ask the Doctor about an ECG to be sure and then when the results from that come back clear you can relax. I know exactly how you feel and even though I know all the logical sensible explanations it still freaked me out last night too - on the other hand it would have freaked me out much worse if I didnt know what it was from the posts and links on here.


01-04-10, 16:39
If it's any consolation I'm having a bad afternoon with palps, I get them every day at least 10 'episodes' a day.

Boost your potassium levels it might help

01-04-10, 16:53
Thanx for your replys, its nice to have the support. Ok I am going to ask i really daft question here but am i have palpatations when it feels like my heart is speeding up and slowing down?
Suz i have read the stuff on ectopics, thanx though, i sound like you, i know why they happen and i read that they are harmless but my brain doesnt seem to accept it. Im so frustrated right now, never before has it interfered with my life like it has been doing at the moment.
Going to eat a few bananas now and try and take my mind off things!

01-04-10, 17:10
Hi Mary,

If you are really worried and cant wait until you see your gp why not go to a&e and they should do an ecg for you there and then. I was getting flutterings and when my husband took my pulse found my heartbeat sounded irregular this was happening before Christmas on and off and I woke up on Christmas Day and had it but was so worried could not wait the 4 days for my GP surgery to open so hubby took me to a&e they did 2 ecg's and lots of other tests, I did have a slight irregularity but they put it down the anxiety as I was suffering really bad at the time. It has now settled down thankfully. I needed that re-assurance though and it really put my mind at ease.

Take care hun

01-04-10, 23:32
Sounds drastic but I find doing some really good physical exercise like running round the block or a going swimming.... fast!!...... it will convince you there's nothing wrong as whatever it is you thought was wrong would have broken under such an onslaught!!!

02-04-10, 02:11
i agree with Jo. I couldnt wait so i went to A&E and they done a continual ECG there and then, (which i had for 4 hours til i was ok to leave) and they even took urine/blood samples etc. They also done a chest X Ray, the lot!! :) Ive not felt any HA since that night... fingers crossed. I say get yaself down to A&E. Say tot them how bad the palps are and ur scared stiff and ya getting chest pains. They will do all the tests there and then for u. Totally worth it, rather than tryin to convince a doctor to refer u!! It costrs them money to you see lol xxx good luck, ul be fine, mine was all down to anxiety, and even though i felt 'ectopics', the ECG showed none, so they werent ectopics, it was just my muscle around my heart contracting where i was so tensed. Dont worry ul be fine, go to A&E if u really cant wait. They'll be more than happy to check u over :)