View Full Version : Extreme tiredness?

01-04-10, 17:04
Bin on citalopram a few months nw, dont knw if its related, but i am extremley tired throughout the day. It affects my concentration, gives me sore eyes & headaches, and i just dont know wat to do. Anyone else have this? Iv read a few posts but they r saying that their tiredness side effect wears off after a few weeks, but ive been on these for months & cant remember wen i started feeling like this plz help

01-04-10, 17:15

Your extreme tiredness might be an undesirable side-effect of the drug, or it might reflect how bad you were before going onto it. I have been on and off prozac for years, and found that when my anxiety and depression has really screwed me up, that the tiredness CAN last for months before my mind and body adjusts.

Hopefully, you have a decent doctor that you can discuss this with.

01-04-10, 17:36
Hi, I agree with Downsinthenorth, it's likely to be continuing side effects from the medication but it could just be that your batteries are completely flat after what you've been through. Probably it's both. What dose are you on? If you're so tired it interferes with your life, you may find it beneficial to slightly reduce your dose under your doctor's guidance, since it sounds like your dose is a bit high for you.

02-04-10, 01:05
only on 10mg a day which is nothing, so i cant reduce it mych mre than that, shall speak 2 doctor next time im in, last time tho e jst printed me out a leaflet on sleeping disorders.... :s

02-04-10, 10:03
hello there, i am on 10mg and cant sleep for anything but i could sleep for england b4 i started taking them so i no it must be a side effect. :(

04-04-10, 17:38
Hi Dave

How long have you not been sleeping? And is it gettgin any better the longer your on the tabs?I've been on cit for 3 weeks and am demented with lack of sleep, I've been prescribed beta blockers yesterday and sleepig pills too and still finding it hard!

04-04-10, 18:02

Citalopram does cause insomnia...it is a common side effect when you first start taking it but it will ease as you take the medication longer and your body gets used to it. Gp's often prescribe zopiclone to help in the first few weeks but if you can manage without that is great. It is the increased anxiety that does not help....it does pass. Just try and bear with it.

Good luck.
