View Full Version : smoking......

01-04-10, 17:37
This is going to sound like a wierd one to a lot of you but it's starting to creep me out.

I'm 24, been smoking for almost 8 years (i know it's bad!). I'm not a heavy smoker, around 10 a day, some more or less but right now something funny is going on.

I actually feel sick at the thought of smoking and ive stopped at work. I have had a few out of habbit and the funny urge to keep 'my crutch' but i just dont feel like it any more.

Usually when i'm ill he first thing i go off of is smoking. I've gone off it and it's unusual. I feel well enough right now, a little wobbly 'upstairs' on occasions but physically ok.

I'm worried my body is rejecting it because there IS something wrong and i AM ill. I know this is a good thing but it's a little disconcerting after so long smoking.

Has anyone else experienced this? Can i be ILL?! I know i'm not pregnant (which is what most people would assume first)

I don't know whats going on.

Any feedback is much appreciated!!!


01-04-10, 18:23
Maybe its your body just telling you that it doesn't like smoking. See it as a good thing rather than something wrong with you. www.quitnet.com (http://www.quitnet.com) is a good site for help in quitting.