View Full Version : Benefit F-up

01-04-10, 19:11
hello nmp members hope youre relatively okay, considering. :winks:

Basically I went to a Medical Assesment, a stage in Employment & Support Allowance (ESA) where their 'doctors' decide wether you're fit to work, I dont have a councillor or support worker so I went with my older sister, on bus and train, (she didnt go in the assesment room w/me) and I saw a smiling fat doc who couldnt hear me properly, my fault not his.
Anyway, he just asked a bunch of indirect questions and I tried to answer, it took 10 minutes, which I was glad about obviously, but some days later I got a letter back saying I had filled out a form about my 'disability'.
I got a zero mark for every question, some where "Can you picks things up" which would rightly be a zero, but others were about social interaction, cognitive things, and I got a zero for them too, thing is; I didnt even fill out a form, neither did I tell the doc anything about my anxiety...he asked the questions and I was nervous so...
Now Im in dire need for money to continue living at my mum's house, and my only choice is to lie and go jobcenter to claim for JSA, which technically means fraud, and I dont want to but it's the only way.
I'll probably miss some sign ons due to anxiety anyway, and when I walk in there they'll all stare at me thinking "Is he here again!?" (I've been going there on off for two years, and never got a single job!)
I dont know what to do, I havent got it in me to fight for my ESA and the rejection, and that letter they sent me telling me Im actually fine...
Yea, Ive been pretending to have social anxiety since age 14 and have sacraficed my life to pretend I have a disorder...that's bulls**t btw.

Anyone else in this game...I mean, what the hell can I do, what do they expect! Sure I shouldve talked to the doc but I didnt know what was going on, I was pretty anxious! Any thoughts/opinions matter!

01-04-10, 19:20
Ok what happened with me.

I got a medical form to fill out first. Sent that off to them and recieved a letter back the next again week asking me to attend a medical Assessment. With being agoraphobic, there is absolutely no way i could travel the 25 miles to get there. I rang them and they were very nice indeed. I was told to have my GP fax them with details of my illness and why i can't attend which mt Gp did straight away. I am now awaiting an appointment for one of the medical team to come and assess me at home.

On the down side, they may decide my fate the same as yours as i have heard they are very strict indeed.

When i was told to swap benefits from Income support to EAS the powers that be neglected to tell me i had to claim child tax credits for my son resulting on us living on £89 per week until they sort this out. :mad:

I think you should make an appointment to see an advisor at your local job centre as they very good in helping you either decide on employment that would suit you, or advice you on which benefit you should now claim!

Hang in there hun


01-04-10, 19:33
i know they are extremely tough now at these medicals. i have only been on benefits for more than 6 months once a long time ago and went to an assessment to be told i was not bad enough to get benefit. (i did not give true answers but tried to make myself appear better than i was!). i agree the system is completely wrong - one day you are allowed money - the next not and all down to someone's opinion - however - in my case it did give me the kick up the bum to go back to work part time and looking back - i did need this because it increased my self esteem and confidence which then improved my anxiety. i understand how crippling anxiety can be but often working - even if just a few hours a week - is part of the healing process. unless we take steps to improve/overcome our anxiety then we remain stuck in the cycle but obviously you need money in the meantime to survive! i remember falling out with a doctor who would not advise the job centre i was recovering from anxiety and so could only manage p/t work - it seems there is no half way - you are either totally fit or totally ill! i have worked from home for the past 7 years which allows me to still earn money even when i am having a relapse.

i was under the impression (from a friend) that you could contest the decision and they had to still pay your benefit until the outcome of an appeal was decided?

01-04-10, 19:36
ps - just realised that you did not even talk about your anxiety - surely - you can appeal and explain what happened? sounds like a break down in communication - although i wonder what the doc thought you were there for?!

01-04-10, 20:24
Don't know if it will help you probably know more than me about these things, but you can see a therapist supporter at the Jobcentre as far as I'm aware. They are supposed to take your problems into account. Its just I know someone who has OCD and he has a support therapist at the jobcentre.

He does have to prove that he is regularly looking for employment but he can talk it over with his therapist who is supposed to help him find a suitable role. He is still unemployed so she obviously doesn't do a great job!!!!

01-04-10, 20:54
The medical they give you is unfair to mental health problems. Below is a link to the form they use and how they score you. If you scroll down you can work out how many points you are entitled to.
You get two extra points if you are unable to answer the telephone!!!

http://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&q=cache:8hyHZPFk4XcJ:www.jobcentreplus.gov.uk/jcp/stellent/groups/jcp/documents/websitecontent/dev_015451.pdf+benefits+medical+assessment+how+is+ it+scored&hl=en&gl=uk&pid=bl&srcid=ADGEESh5nninDDKFCM7EohbfswKg1AY0qxJq4aIw9Mn2 Xsfo4QWHkrpi6amAPu33-kWCHNtlWMcqt1uDbTp9bsHmJMeLtJC-KxHNfxqFeLDlbeRRlGdoOtYSTnAgN_LDOKVRmYn1VqYR&sig=AHIEtbRYN44iqUWjzgdcu6FIdkKnlBkFuQ

01-04-10, 21:05
fab link Mick. I don't know if our forms are different as we seemed to have different questions re: mental health section!.

No matter what way we look at it though, it doesn't seem like we are classed as being ill. :mad:


01-04-10, 21:09
From what I can make out lisa, these are the questions they ask you either verbally or written. The test is so wrong for people with mental health problems that I wouldn't blame people for embellishing the truth a little to pass it. It's far too heavily weighed on the side of physical illness.

01-04-10, 21:15
From what I can make out lisa, these are the questions they ask you either verbally or written. The test is so wrong for people with mental health problems that I wouldn't blame people for embellishing the truth a little to pass it. It's far too heavily weighed on the side of physical illness.

Here here mate, couldn't agree more! x

andrea thompson
01-04-10, 22:41
hiya hun

i think its a load of ******** - surely the benefits agency should trust what your dr says - after all they know you best!!!!

if they are going to stop your benefits then i would go back to g.p. and ask them for a sick note.. i think this may start the whole process again - so you will be on the sick and not able to work so therefore entitled to stauatory sick pay and then eventually go onto incapacity benefit again... i am not an expert and could be wrong but if your own dr deems you unfit for work what can they do!!!!!

thats what i would do!!!!

take care - let us know how you get on ....

andrea x x

01-04-10, 22:54

I went for my medical as i am on ESA. I was in the room with a doctor for all of 10 mins.

I got a letter the next week saying that i had failed, so was fit for work

I wrote a letter to the benefits office to ask to appeal. I am currently waiting for a date to go to the tribunal to appeal. iv been waiting for 10 months now to get a date to go.

In the meanwhile im still being paid the assessment rate of £64 which i have found really hard to manage on as i am on my own with my daughter.

If i lose the appeal i will be forced to go on jsa and im so scared as i am definately not ready to go back to work.

love mandie x

01-04-10, 22:59
It's disgusting mandie, there are so many people in the same boat. You can bet that the government has instructed them to fail as many people as possible. :lac:

01-04-10, 23:06
From what I can make out lisa, these are the questions they ask you either verbally or written. The test is so wrong for people with mental health problems that I wouldn't blame people for embellishing the truth a little to pass it. It's far too heavily weighed on the side of physical illness.

Bottom line is government want as many people either in or seeking work as possible so they will make the questions as awkward as possible and the doctors as biased as possible.

I have a daughter with a lifelong disability who receives DLA high rate for both care and mobility. She is nearly 20 years old but is unable to go anywhere by herself, is on 4 injections a day as well as other meds. She has the mental age of less than a 11 yr old. She has impaired mobility and can walk for about 15 yards before she has to stop because of pain in her legs.

The doctor at the medical declared that she was fit to do work related activities.

I have fought these barstewards over this decision for 6 months and they have finally caved in and placed he in the "support" group.

It is possible to appeal the decison but it is hell on earth trying to get a wrong decision overturned. If enough people make enough fuss about how unfair this benefit procedure actually is then maybe they will have to take notice.

Please try and appeal if you feel strong enough, get some outside help if you can.

Good luck to you and anyone else that takes on the DWP :flowers:

01-04-10, 23:09
I had my 'medical' assessment recently as well. I was lucky in that it was about 7 minutes down the road (according to their map/directions) - actually if i tried to walk there it would realistically take hours as i can't cross roads!

Anyway, it did take about 10 minutes as the 'doctor' asked me a bunch of standard question which he read from his computer. At no point did he 'assess' me or my illness. At the end of the interview, i said 'arent you going to ask why i cant get to work!' that wasnt one of the questions on his system, but he said he'd mark my answer down anyway.

I luckily did get a positive result in that they decided i was too ill to work. However, i disagree with getting your GP to put a good word in for you or relying on anyone in such a position to make an ascertation on your mental health. There is no one who can even imagine how it is to cope with anxiety, unless they've suffered themselves.

02-04-10, 00:24
I've not tried to claim any benefits yet because I am able to live with my parents and still have some savings left over. My older sister, who is 25, has had ME for about 10 years and has more recently been diagnosed with fibromyalgia and bipolar depression. She's able to leave the house for a short amount of time most days but if she does too much she gets tired and can take days to recover. She had a medical assessment which she failed and they decided she's fit to work. She managed to finish a degree but for the past 3 years has been living at home and seeing various doctors and some specialists.

My parents have decided to appeal on her behalf and they've managed to get some free legal aid. The tribunal is next week. My sister is feeling really pressured by having this appeal to get through and it is making her more exhausted and ill. But the government have their targets, to get as many people as possible off Incapacity benefit and onto Jobseekers. It is shocking that politics can affect people's lives like this.

03-04-10, 01:19
It's disgusting mandie, there are so many people in the same boat. You can bet that the government has instructed them to fail as many people as possible. :lac:

Do they think we want to be off work and live this anxiety life?

I would love to be able to get back to work :weep:

mandie x

03-04-10, 18:20

Finally found your thread. I have a link that might be able to help you.



Go to this link, they have tips on EAS.


03-04-10, 18:26
Hi again,

here a copy of the info for the link above:

Are you struggling with ESA?

Are you completely confused?

We’re not surprised. ESA is the most bewildering, unfair and badly designed benefit since the abolition of the workhouse.

The claim form is long, complex and often confusing.

The medical is carried out using a computer. It’s often rushed and it may not even be a doctor that assesses you

The appeal system is deeply confusing, not least because ESA procedures and regulations are extremely complex and generate a huge amount of paperwork.

And because ESA is so complicated there is very little reliable information on the internet.

Jobcentre Plus offices frequently give incorrect advice.

And advice agencies just don’t have enough staff to deal with everyone who needs help.

It is possible, though, to understand how to complete the claim form and avoid the traps it sets for the unwary and unprepared.

Ahttp://www.benefitsandwork.co.uk/images/image/feed/gen7.gif (http://www.benefitsandwork.co.uk/-about-us/feedback)nd you can turn up to your medical knowing what will happen and what kind of questions you’ll be asked.

Even if you do have to appeal, it’s possible to understand the process and present your case in the most effective and convincing way.

Benefits and Work members achieve all this.

Because Benefits and Work is completely independent and we only care about helping you get the benefits you’re entitled to. We do this by providing you with the most honest, detailed and practical information available anywhere.

I hope this helps, I am a member of this site. I have their permission to pass on their details and info, to help people like yourself.


03-04-10, 21:51
On a slightly varied point, i have been told i need to go for another appointment - the letter said a 'medical assessment', but they said on the phone it was a necessary appointment to see how i am doing/progressing/what help i need. Something like that. I really didnt understand it.

Does anyone know what that is all about? i passed my medical and am deemed unfit to work, but now i have to go again. It's nothing benefit related, apparently - but will obviously affect my benefits if i dont go!

03-04-10, 21:55
HI Gregor

Do you know if you have been placed on either the "support" group or the "work related activities" group for your ESA?

03-04-10, 22:04
HI Gregor

Do you know if you have been placed on either the "support" group or the "work related activities" group for your ESA?

As far as i know it's the 'work related activities' group. As i understand it that's for people who they are trying most to get back into work - whether or not it's appropriate.

I also have to see a person at the jobcentre as another form of 'punishment' (helping me get back to work, etc)

03-04-10, 22:15
Hi again.

I believe this is called a "work focused health related assessment", which is apparently supposed to happen straight after your medical but in practice never does.

Your "approved healthcare professional (:mad: yeah, right!) will ask you how you feel your illness or disabily is affecting your ability to work and what you feel you need to help you back to work.

Then as you have mentioned you have the advisor at the jobcentre..nuff said.

Although they say that benefits don't come into the picture, if you dont attend this interview they want to know why and threaten to reduce benefits.

pussy cat
03-04-10, 23:09
i know they are tough-they have to be because of the number of scroungers there are-unfortunatly the experienced scroungers still get through & many genuine people suffer-you can appeal against any decision that is made but this takes time in the meantime your money is stopped but if you win then you get it backdated-however you must stick up for yourself as these doctors are a law unto their selves-they are only g.ps not specialists ! if you think that the report you have recieved is not what actually happened then say so - my husband was on disability benifit & it had to be renewed-a doctor came out from the d,w,p. to examine him & fill in a quetionaire-this is common practice,however his application was turned down & his money stopped-we appealed & asked for a copy of the report that this doctor had done-he had stated that he had spent 50 mins in our house-infact it was 10-he stated that he had carried out a full physical examination & eye test & that his eye sight was perfect-infact he only asked my husband to stand up from a sitting position & squeeze his hands,also at the time he had cataracts on both eyes & was awaiting an op !!!-all in all it was a form full of lies - we complained & went to the top of the ladder to prove that this so-called doctor was an out & out liar-he was suspended-but this just goes to show you that they are not all they seem-you must stick up for yourself if you feel that you haven,t been treated fairly-no-one else will do it for you & if you say nothing thats another one they,ve got away with - anyway good luck to you & i hope all goes well.:yesyes:

04-04-10, 00:09
I'm going to take a slightly different aproach to this. Firstly I have had social anxiety, and panic attacks for as long as I can remember, it affects me every single day in one way or another.
Instead of focusing all your attention to getting onto benefits, turn that attention to something more positive for yourself. Try volunteering for 1 morning a week at your local charity shop, not only will it help you to learn to cope with your anxiety but it will also be a good thing on your CV for when you are ready to work. Sitting back and just saying 'I have this so I cant do xyz' is effectively sealing you into a bubble that will be really restrictive on your life.
If there is one thing I've learnt from my experiences with anxiety it is the second you give up it will consume you, keep trying and you can be anything you want to be, do anything you want to do.