View Full Version : Just checking in!!

01-04-10, 20:31
WELL HELLO EVERYONE! :) i came across this website after googling 'Citalopram'! like a maniac looking for every bit of information on the drug, bad idea!! then I found this site which I can just tell I am going to be on all the time.

So your probably wondering wats up with a 25 year old mum to 2 babies?!!

I wont bore you with the details cause your probably already just scanning this anyway looking for the juicy bits but basically the story goes, I left my family home 4 years ago after years and years of physical and mental abuse which really put a dent in everything that I am. Plucking up the courage to leave was the hardest decision ever which has ultimately been the best one. So 4 years down the life with 2 children of my own I found it very hard to let go of the past and everything I ever do comes right back down to it:weep: you could say my confidence was bashed etc. I thought that having my babies would make everything go away but while its a better life I still get this niggling feeling in the back of my mind that having no contact with my mother for 4 years after everything she did to me still leaves me unhappy. She has never met my children and that bothers me that one day it will be too late. I have trouble switching my brain off:huh: it goes into overdrive at night and wont shut the hell up, I think way too much and in detail about things. Ive hurt people Im closest too by not trusting them and tarring them with the same brush. I swore I would never end up like her but I just do exactly the same as her:lac:I lash out and name call and thats not me! she turned me into that coz thats all ive ever known.My mood swings are unbearable to live with and I dont know how people put up with me! also having my two babies close together hasnt helped the situation, its sooo hard and while I wouldnt change them for the world it does get me down at times. Nearly 2 weeks ago things got so bad that my babies daddy moved out of our house n wouldnt come back till I got help and to be honest I knew he was right I had been living like this for years and it was never going to get better unless I did something. I can honestly say he has helped me endlessly n support even taking the day off to come to the doctors with me. My GP prescribed me 20mg of Citalopram to try and suggesting I see a CNP and when I left that room this almighty weight just lifted off my shoulders that I had been carrying for years. Finally the ball was rolling and people were willing to listen. This is day 11 that I have been on Cit and I am already noticing its effects and so are others:yesyes: when I go to think negative things etc my mind switches if you like. I think me and Cit are going to get on just fine! where were you years ago?!! you would have saved alot of heartache! Anybody want to talk to me I will be glad to speak its done me the world of good it could you too:yahoo:

01-04-10, 20:33
Hi katalyst85

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

Veronica H
01-04-10, 20:53
:welcome:Katie. Glad that you have found us and so glad that Citalopram is working for you. It is none addictive and leaves the system very quickly if/when you no longer need it. It should be phased out gradually for this reason. I felt the same when I started taking Citalopram in that I thought 'this is how I should be feeling'. I take a low dose 10mg now which keeps me out of depression.
I had a really terrible mother and a dreadful childhood as a consequence. I was on anxious and on red alert from a young age trying to look after my younger siblings, which left me unable to trust people and also I was a negative 'what if' thinker.
You might want to consider some counselling before you let your mother back into your life although I understand that it is hard to raise two young children, but there is no guarantee that she will become the mum you deserved all along.:bighug1:put yourself first and take care.

01-04-10, 21:04
:D thank you veronica so much!!
makes such a difference to hear from people that have gone through the same experiences. i am feeling pretty optimistic at the moment regarding my future. Im just a bit confused at letting my mother back in my life because I feel she will never change or get the help she needs too. I should be happy with the life I have now, I managed to escape from her and the terrible things she did but it always comes back to her, im letting her ruin my life by constantly thinking about it:weep: I think talking about it is the way forward, I have to try anything for the sake of my babies I dont want them to be sad people, its a vicious circle, my mums mum was bad to her so she was bad to me and theres no way Im harming my children! its got to end soon I wont let her win:yesyes:

thanks again

01-04-10, 21:39
Hi, as you replied to my post, it's only fair I return the favour...... Welcome I hope you find some support, and maybe even some of the answers too..!

01-04-10, 21:48
HI! THANK U:yesyes: yes I hope u get wat u want out of this 2 even if its just an ear to bend!

TAKE CARE:bighug1: