View Full Version : question about flucuating moods

01-04-10, 23:53
I can be so very postive and upbeat and free from my fears for certain periods during the day... then, like a switch, I can turn to extreme fear, anxiety and negative feelings where I feel like I can't cope, I'm no good, and there is no way I could cope going on holiday, etc. Then again, like a switch, I can turn positive again and feel normal and that I could do anything and feel human and normal.

So, with this in mind, my question to you all is..... Does anyone else suffering from anxiety feel like this? Can you fluctuate from negative to positive and back again in the blink of an eye?

Also, my family and friends see me as a very capable, positive person (most of the time lol) and that I'm more than able to cope with anything, yet I often, at least some part of each day, feel like I can't.... Again does anyone feel like this?


02-04-10, 10:25
totally normal for me too! i think this is a very good sign you are well on the road to recovery! i am going through a relapse of anxiety and started to get this switch to positive for only a few moments a day but now more and more. when the negative switch happens - know that it will lift and the periods become shorter and shorter x

02-04-10, 12:19
Yes this is the same for me. I have to say the positive moments are very short for me, I can feel very positive and can see my thoughts as just that but then maybe I'll go to sleep and in the morning I'll feel like crap again! And it is like its in the blink of an eye, it will flip as the day goes on! I just have to ride through it and hope that these meds kick in and make the positive times longer so the negative bad times get shorter!