View Full Version : Bit about me (Mr Lonely). Loneliness is hard

02-04-10, 03:49
Hi to everyone :)

I'm an anxiety (mainly SA) sufferer, 27 years old male. I'm living in London, currently working part time and studying at the same time. I accept myself with my anxieties and try my best to live my life happily with them. The more I worry about my anxieties or try to challenge them, the more I suffer it... Best weapon for me is occupying myself with other things and keep busy. I sometimes feel very well and confident but other times vice versa. Ups and downs...

I have been on low dose SSRI for about 4 years. But I'm coming off them now mainly because of their side effects. I've been also feeling lonely, sometimes very depressed recently. Therefore I'm looking for a like minded, understanding company or friend (preferably a sufferer like me) to spend time, be good friends, do some stuff and have fun.

I'm a friendly, open and honest, kind, passionate, and funny guy. Actually I'm looking for a nice gf :$ as I've been single for a while and missing lots of things from a nice relationship. And other reason is I believe that I'd live very happily with my anxieties as long as I've got a like minded gf. I'm sure of it because I was doing very well and very happy when I had a partner. After 2 years relationship, we broke up though. It's a different story, I wont talk about it here... To be honest, I'd be also very glad to make a normal good friend with a like minded person too as I'm all alone atm.

Here are my likes/hobbies: Listening to music, internet, watching dvd movies (with popcorns/nuts and drinks), some sports, working out, tennis, reading, swimming, picnic, parks and country side, fishing, watching my favorite TV programs, video games, driving and chilling at home.

Good luck and best wishes to everyone.

02-04-10, 03:53
Hi abc03

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

02-04-10, 11:47
Hi Mr Lonely,

Hopefully you wont feel so lonely once you get chatting to some people on here...its a brilliant forum with lots of info and people who know how you are feeling as we are all pretty much in the same boat as yourself.

Welcome and take care.

03-04-10, 04:23
Thank you, hopefully one day I'll find what I'm looking for and meet her in real life... That's my biggest wish :)

Vanilla Sky
03-04-10, 22:49
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome: Paige x

Veronica H
04-04-10, 22:51
:welcome:to NMP. Glad that you have found us.
