View Full Version : I am such a wuss - not taking my pill

02-04-10, 07:28
I've been prescribed the combined pill loestrin 20 to help control my heavy painful periods. I am on day 15 of my cycle and I've still not taken it, GP said I can start it at anytime.

I have a fear of the risks assosiated with the pill, dvt, pe, heart attack, stroke, migraine .... Ive read into it and the risks are lower with my pill yet i still worry.

I know I should just bite the bullet and take it but im worried i may panic about every chest pain and headache thinking ive something serious, grrr!

I have had support from a friend on here, and im still being a wuss:( Any words of wisdom??

02-04-10, 08:27
Thanks Amiee,

I am a right little wuss, I am 30, 5ft tall, 6 & half stone so not even in the at risk catgegory as my GP tells me. He has also put me on the pill that is least likely to cause these things, he said they prescibe loestrin to women who cannot tolerate high estrogen levels and who are at risk of circulatory problems, so i guess that tells me something.

I know I can take it midcylce but im wondering whether it is worth it now, will it make any difference to this months period anyway, lol! I think far too much;-)

02-04-10, 11:30
Yes Jessica, it will make a difference to this months period. Your egg doesn't come out when on a period anyway but is absorb back into the body because it's not been fertilised. If you start the pill today it will make your womb lining thin again so stopping your normal period. Your period will then come when you have your break from the pill in 3 weeks and will be so much lighter, less painful and regular after that.

I'm 5ft 9, turn 30 in just over 2 weeks and am normal weight (am a size 12). Never had any problems with it and wouldn't go back to not taking it.

02-04-10, 16:38
think im ovulating today so would it really be ok to start it now?

02-04-10, 16:57
Yes definately, as I mentioned before when you ovulate if the egg is not fertilized it's reabsorb back into your body. The pill will just stop your womb thickening and thin it back down until the break in your pill when you will have your period. I started mine halfway through the month as that's when I was prescribed it and it was fine.

02-04-10, 20:54
Hi Cat,

Thank you for all your support xxxxx

03-04-10, 11:22
Finally plucked up the courage (I am such a wuss). I took my Loestrin 20 today, I have abit of a phobia of bleeding since the periods ive been having post op so abit worried about breakthrough bleeding. If i get any is it likely to just be light though?

03-04-10, 12:58
I'm positive you won't get any but if it is it's usually spotting, so little that you don't usually even need a pad.

I'm very proud of you as I know how scared you've been but please keep taking it, you've took that big step of the first pill and things will only get better. Lighter less painful regular periods and your life back each month

03-04-10, 21:25
Thank you so much Cat xxxx