View Full Version : Pregnant and having panic attacks

02-04-10, 08:19
I recently found out that I'm about two weeks pregnant, I have a four year old, and instead of feeling joy, I JUST FEEL DREAD! So far all I've done is panic and have constant anxiety.
I had severe post-natal depression after my first, which is on going as I still experience panic attacks. Now, when I feel sick, it triggers a panic attack, as I relate being sick as something that happens when I panic, it's a pointless circle. I have a constant voice saying - how can you cope with two kids in your position, then I feel guilty that if I do fall down again my eldest child will experience a change in me.
Feel so trapped, scared, afraid, want to run away but it always follows me, another big factor is that before if I was really bad I'd take a pill to calm me down or help me sleep, I can't do that now and the fear of having to go through it is petrifying, I'm worried I may be damaging the baby.
Any advice, positive things and tips would be warmly appreciated.

02-04-10, 08:32
Hi Schr

First, congratulations :)

It sounds to me that you are letting your thoughts overwhelm you, already you are thinking negatively about the future, and this is leading to you panicking and worrying over something that actually hasn't happened.

It's called anticipation anxiety, when we start to dread some up and coming event in a negative way.

Now if you strip it all back to basics, I would suggest that what is happening is, is your memories of the past, combined with the future are working together to keep you in this state of anxiety. The first thing to remember though, is that it is your negative thoughts, and your negative thoughts only that are keeping you in this state.

How do you stop negative thinking? well if I knew a quick answer I would be a rich man ;) but I would recommend trying a couple of things for starters:

Pop along to your GP and enquire about some talk therapy or possibly CBT type therapy, this could work well in helping you to turn those negative thoughts around.

I would also recommend reading some of Claire Weekes self-help books, they are incredibly effective at explaining what anxiety is in a clear way.

Do remember this too, people with anxiety will always dwell about the future and future events in a "what if this, what if that?" mindset, but almost always we always look back after the event and wonder why we worried so much. Our worst fears are never realised.

Sorry I can't be more help (I have never been pregnant ;)), but I am sure women in a similiar situation will be able to give you better advice.

Good luck


04-04-10, 06:54
Hi Jaco,
Thank you so much for responding, it's helpful to be reminded that I probably am remembering the past and transferring it to the future. As you more than likely know, it's the overwhelming factor when panicking, and not being able to tap into knowledge to make me feel better.
I'm so unsure how I'll get through this?????
Take care of you.

04-04-10, 07:14
Research post natal depression and zinc deficiency. Pregnancy takes a heavy toll on zinc stores and as it is antagonistic to copper in the body, you get copper overload and become wired and tired. Biobalance.org have a good article on this.

04-04-10, 09:46
Hi schr !

Just because you were ill before with PND doesn't mean that you will be again, honestly. I think you need to talk to your midwife about the hormonal injection that you can have after the birth that is supposed to relieve the possibility of PND developing. I can't recall the name of it I'm afraid, but I know I was offered it if I was to get pregnant again as I was very ill after having my daughter.

I am really sorry that you are so panicky, I am probably not the best person to answer your post as I have a fear of getting pregnant and being pregnant lol. Don't worry though, the baby will not be harmed at all, he or she will be just fine, however, it is you that needs help at the moment otherwise you won't enjoy a moment of the pregnancy.

when I feel sick, it triggers a panic attack, as I relate being sick as something that happens when I panic, it's a pointless circle.

Yep ! I SO empathise with that. You have isolated a trigger for your panic attack, and that is half the battle, you now need to work on reducing the fear that is ensuing from the 'sicky' feeling. Buy those Claire Weekes books if you don't already have them, so that you can start working on retraining your response to panicking. Also, a member here called Peach, is much further down the same journey you have just started on. You might like to have a look at her thread, do a search for 'pregnant and scared' (I think lol)

07-04-10, 10:38
Guys, thank you so much for your response, it helps. But today all I'm feeling is sheer panic, scared, dread, trapped, and I can feel my mental health deteriorating rapidly. I keep thinking that I can't go through with it, what I completely fall apart, I feel so so guilty at every turn, every time I look at my daughter or my partner I get an overwhelming feeling, nervi and jumpy. Just want to run away from what's in my head, so sacred and frighten of the past and the future. I have a permanent ball of pain in my stomach and chest.

07-04-10, 13:37
hun i know how you feel.

i have 4 daughters and with every one of them my anxiety reached its max peak!

your baby will be fine hun, honest anxiety or panic will not harm your baby.

if you ever need to chat pm me anytime xx