View Full Version : Hi folks....

02-04-10, 10:34
Hi there

My name is Greig and I am 40 years old and have suffered from anxiety and depression for almost 20 years now on and off.
Currently having a bad spell but determined to see a way out of this. Current meds are 20mg Cipralex (weaning off) and only last week prescribed 80mg Propranolol to cope with the physical symptoms of anxiety.
Basically, I'm a bit all over the shop because of the med change. Doc has proposed to swap Cipralex to Prozac - hence the weaning for a four week period. Unfortunately, my body feels like there's a rave going on inside it although I am getting through but its a struggle.
I have been on Cipralex for 8 years with no problems and thought I had cracked it - wrong !!! I don't really want to start another anti-depressant as I fear I will only end up where I am now.
I am normally such a controlled individual but in times like this I am hopelessly lost. You know the feeling guys.........:yahoo:

02-04-10, 10:35
Hi greig

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

02-04-10, 12:06
Hey Greig,

Sorry to hear you are having a bad time of it at the moment. I know the feeling, after taking citaopram on and off for around 9 years, I recently had to change meds as the effectiveness had stopped for me and I had to change to get where i am now. Not nice going through it but wouldn't change anything if I had that time again!!

I weaned down in one week which was far too quick but my GP wanted me to have the new medication asap as i had been off work for 4 months. I had 3 pretty awful weeks but then picked up slowly, I also had an increase in meds just after that.

Your body is going throught the withdrawal effects, and this is why you feel as you do. It will pass it really will but will just take time.

Keep posting and let us know how you get on. Lots of people on here including me know how you are feeling.

Take care

02-04-10, 13:59
If you've been on escitalopram for so long and it's helped I'm surprised your doctor wants you to swap to Prozac. Meds aren't a cure and there will always be times when we go through blips and relapses. That's why I think it's difficult to tell whether the med has stopped working. I personally think that other non-med therapies are vital, rather than just relying on medication (eg, there are many very good self-help books you can buy).

I hope that you find something that works for you soon and I would have a chat to your doctor about other supplementary ways of helping you overcome all this.

Welcome to the forum and enjoy your stay here.

PS - I definitely know the feeling...

02-04-10, 15:52
Hi Greig, and welcome. I only joined yesterday but have also suffered with anxiety for over 20 years and it's a long and lonely feeling at times. Hopefully this great site can help us both ....

02-04-10, 15:54
Sincere thanks guys for the warm welcome. It makes a difference believe me.

The reason my doc is changing the meds is because of a couple of reasons. Last year, my dose was increased from 10mg to 20mg during a spell of short time at my work, where things began to get on top of me.
Again, this year, work is slow so we have been put on short time again and I've kind of just folded a bit withit all.
Last year, my doc proposed me changing but I declined and took the increase in dosage instead. I'm obviously at the maximum dosage of Cipralex a day hence thereason we decided a med change.
The withdrawal is grim and I'm not sure if the 80mg of propranolol andit's side effects are not initially making it harder !!:shrug:
A lot of irritability, tension, depressive thoughts but mainly physically tired and my muscles feel so weak - thats not right because I am very fit.
I am cosidering going to a psychologist or counsellor and funding it myself to help my beat this - I don't know if now is the best time to make major decisions in the middle of a transition period.
Is there ever a good time ????:shrug: