View Full Version : Really scared

02-04-10, 14:26
Why is it the little things make us feel so bad and worry so much. There I am vaccuuming the bedroom, having a good day when all of a sudden i start to get this funny feeling in my head (left side) which feels light hot fluid running. So i shu it off but it does not go and i start to worry so the panic starts to set in. Then the warm fluid feeling goes and a get a pain at the back of the head. now i real worried and yes you guessed it im in a panic attack too. Now im writing this to try and take my mind off it but its not working.

I hate these moments, i feel so lost, so desperate and worried its a stroke, or the end is nigh. I wish so much this panic would go away and i could laugh off those little things.

Dolly xxx

rachel marie
02-04-10, 14:37
my anxiety makes me feel like i have got somthink growing in the side of my head like i can acualy feel it constently :weep:

02-04-10, 14:47
Anxiety just creeps up and rears its ugly head and then off we go panicking, I totally relate to what you are saying, its just not fair is it. Just something simple triggers it off and then pow its back with a vegance!!!

I hope that moment has passed and you now feel o.k. again.

Take care

02-04-10, 15:09
Deffo anxiety. Have u spoke to ur doctor about medication and being referred for CBT sessions? Ive been doing this and im sooooo on the mend :)

02-04-10, 15:59
Ty for the messages, I have seen my doctor and on waiting list for cbt so fingers crossed not too long. The moment is still here to be honest but easing down now. It so zaps me for the rest of the day thought and what a waste that is.

Happy easter all xx

02-04-10, 17:05
I get the fluid running feelings aswell. I think it's just blood running through my head veins n nothiing comes of it. get it quite a lot n dont worry about it.

02-04-10, 23:59
ty fairycakes

The panic attack did subside but i've been on edge all day now and still have a headache from tension im sure. But thank you for your words of encouragement it means a lot :hugs: