View Full Version : Hi everyone, heres my story!

02-04-10, 16:53
Hi everyone, I'm new to all this! I am suffering from health anxiety and have now got depression to go along with it!

I was diagnosed with sarcoidosis in November 2008, which is apparently now in remission but it has left some scarring on my left lung, which means i'm very prone to chest infections, which i've had plenty of!! I caught pnemonia in January and I have felt really scared since then!

When I was diagnosed with pnemonia, I didn't even have a cough or any pain in my chest, the doctors couldn't even hear any signs in my chest, it was only because I had a routine appointment at the chest clinic and had an x-ray that the doctors found out I had pnemonia, they had just assumed I had a viral infection and had told me just to take paracetomol!! I could have died and left my three young children without their mum!

Since January I have been thinking non stop that there is something wrong with me which the doctors are missing and I am worrying non stop! I have tried antidepressants but the side effects make me feel suicidal which I don't like, I hate taking medication, I am currently trying to get off steroids which takes a long time and I hate them!! I'm worrying constantly what they are doing to my body.

I find it very hard to even look after the kids at the moment because I feel so ill all the time, all I want to do is be in my bedroom in the peace and quiet, I know thats no good for me though!! Today I'm worrying because I have chest pain and I know its probably my anxiety but what if it isn't given my past history of chest problems? My heart also seems to be beating really hard and fast. I hate feeling like this!

Anyway thats my story, sorry its so long, any advice would be greatly appreciated!

02-04-10, 16:55
Hi lorraine27

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

Purple Fish
02-04-10, 17:22

Welcome to NMP! This site has been fantastic as I too have suffered depression and health anxiety after a traumatic time!

Remember you`re not alone and anxiety can play all kinds of tricks on the body. It has taken me 3 years to get over mine but the most help I had was from my very sympathetic doctor and Prozac!!

This site is fantastic though and you should read the article about health anxiety it`s brilliant! I even printed it off and kept it in my bag to read whenever I felt awful.

Take care

Tanya xx

Vanilla Sky
02-04-10, 18:02
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome: Paige x

02-04-10, 18:20
Welcome !! Ive just joined here too - hope we can all help each other.

02-04-10, 19:37
welcome, I too have only just joined. Wish I'd found this place years ago

Veronica H
02-04-10, 21:32
:welcome:Lorraine. Glad that you have found us. This is a friendly place with great support.
